
  • 2018/19/20  Lectureships at Ahfad University for Women, Omdurman/Sudan as part of the degree programme European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations
  • since 2011  Research Associate for Research and Teaching at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
  • 2011  Visiting Professorship for Digitality at Berlin College of Fine Arts, Institute for the History and Theory of Design
  • 2010, 2009  Visiting Professorship for Cultural Gender Studies at Berlin College of Fine Arts, Institute for the History and Theory of Design
  • 2007  Doctoral thesis at Bremen University (Rhetorik des Subjekts: Zur Konstruktion des textuellen Subjekts in feministischen und anderen postmodernen Diskursen [Rhetoric of the Subject: On the Construction of the Textual Subject in Feminist and other Postmodern Discourses], Bielefeld, transcript 2008.)
  • 2007  Certificate “Lehrqualifikation in Wissenschaft und Weiterbildung” (“Teaching Qualification in Science and Professional Education”), ZFW at Hamburg University
  • 2000  Tutorial at the International Women’s University (IFU) in Hanover/Bremen, subject area “Body”
  • 1996-2008  Lectureships and workshops at the universities of Hamburg, Bremen, Luxembourg
  • 1996-99  Participation in the interdisciplinary Colloquium “Erkenntnisprojekt Feminismus” (“Knowledge Project Feminism”) (funded by the Commission for Research Planning and Early-career researchers (FNK) at Bremen University)
  • 1993  M.A. German Language and Literature (first main subject) and ethnology (second main subject) with a thesis on “Ethnography as Text” (Hamburg University)
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