Student InfoLine
SSC InfoDesk
Netiquette for requests by e-mail
For personal enquiries please have your student ID or application number ready on hand.
Our events
In addition to the events listed here, you can find the Study and Career Counselling Service team at various fairs and information events. As most of these events are open to the public, you are welcome to take the opportunity to meet us in person.
For prospective students
We hold events for prospective students to gather information on degree programmes at the University and get support in making the right decision.
- Group counselling - clarify questions and benefit from the questions of others!
- Hochschulinformationstag (HIT) - information on studying at the University of Oldenburg and degree programmes
- Schnupperstudium - experience university courses first hand
- UniTalk - a series of talks on studying at the University of Oldenburg
- Vom Beruf ins Studium? - Online seminar for prospective students with work experience
For graduates
We hold events, lectures and workshops for the career entry.
- Career Day - the job and internship fair of the University of Oldenburg
- Career Planning - lectures and workshops for the career entry
Service for schools
- Schnuppertag for school classes - information and insights into life at university
- Uni in der Schule - advisors visit your school
- SchulPortal - more events offered by the University of Oldenburg
For students
Our students can attend information events and workshops on developing their individual competences
- Group counselling - clarify questions and benefit from the questions of others!
- ZSKB-KurzINFO - information about topics from your everyday study life
- Tutor*innenqualifizierung - training for graduate tutors
- Orientierungswoche - orientation and subject events for new students
- Lernwerkstatt der ZSKB - academic working methods and academic writing
- Information events on current topics, for example Referendariat: Erfolgreich bewerben
- Career Day - the job and internship fair of the University of Oldenburg
- Career Planning - lectures and workshops for the career entry
- "Praxis vermittelt Wissen" - series of events on insider knowledge from everyday working life and other topics related to starting a career.