Bastian Bechtold

Bastian Bechtold

B. Eng.
Hearing Technology and Audiology

Room: W2 1-180

Phone:+49-441-798 xxxx
Fax:+49-441-798 3698

Research Areas

  • Signal Analysis
  • Frequency Tracking

Curriculum Vitae

since Okt 2012

Master of Science in Hearing Technology and Audiology at Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg

Mar 2012 - July 2014

Teacher at Jade Hochschule, Oldenburg

Aug 2012 - Feb 2014

Software Developer for Embedded Devices for Somix Audio Labs GmbH, Waldshut-Tiengen. UI and embedded scripting development in Lua. Audio Effects and UI in C/C++ and Python. Workflow automation and scripting.

Aug 2010 - July 2012

Software Developer for Embedded Devices for Somix Audio Labs GmbH, Waldshut-Tiengen. UI and embedded scripting development in Lua. Audio Effects and UI in C/C++ and Python. Workflow automation and scripting.

Feb 2010 - June 2010

Contract work for Algorithmix GmbH, Waldshut-Tiengen GUI Programming, 3D visualization and audio processing for Mac OS X in C, Objective-C, Cocoa and OpenGL.

Aug 2009 - Feb 2010

Bachelor Thesis "Development of an Algorithm for Correcting the Acoustical Influence of the Listening Room and the Loudspeakers" at Algorithmix GmbH, Waldshut-Tiengen

Sept 2006 - Feb 2010

Bachelor of Engineering in Hearing Technology and Audiology at Jade Hochschule, Oldenburg


Summer 2014

Data and Algorithms: Data Processing in Matlab

Winter 2013/2014

Computer Science I: Introduction to Programming

Summer 2013

Programming Lab: GUI Programming in Python


Supervising Tutor for Programming Laboratory

Open Source

PySoundFileAn audio library for reading and writing sound files in Python based on libsndfile, CFFI, and NumPy
PySoundCardAn audio library for playing and recording audio in Python based on PortAudio, CFFI and NumPy
Org-JournalAn org-mode based personal diary/journal in Emacs
Pomodoro-TimerA graphical timer for your Pomodoro workflow
TransplantAn easy way of calling Matlab from Python based on a ZMQ/JSON based messaging protocol.
Work on PyAudioAn audio library for playing and recording audio in Python based on PortAudio. I ported this to Python 3, and contributed some bug fixes.
Work on Lunatic PythonA two-way bridge between Python and Lua, allowing these languages to intercommunicate. I ported this to Python 3.
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