The Public (Re-)Negotiation of Intergenerational Solidarity and Responsibility in the Corona-Pandemic – Media Discourse Analysis and Ethical Evaluation (PRISMAE)
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The Public (Re-)Negotiation of Intergenerational Solidarity and Responsibility in the Corona-Pandemic – Media Discourse Analysis and Ethical Evaluation (PRISMAE)
Project Description
In public and policy debates on the Corona-pandemic, ideas of solidarity and responsibility between the generations emerge as a central but unclear and ambiguous point of reference. Combining sociological analysis and ethical reflection of the media discourse in Germany, the project critically explores the moral and political significance as well as the ongoing public (re-)negotiation of intergenerational solidarity and responsibility in the context of COVID 19.
The results not only provide urgently needed clarification and orientation regarding crucial normative principles in the current crisis. They also offer a chance to address and discuss the fundamental moral constitution of intergenerational relations in contemporary aging societies.
The project is led by Dr. Larissa Pfaller (Institute for Sociology, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda (Division for Ethics in Medicine, University of Oldenburg).