2nd Future platform: Mobility in Times of Digitalization

2nd Future platform: Mobility in Times of Digitalization

How are digital products, services and business models changing the mobility sector? How should data protection be designed to enable innovative solutions? And how can digital solutions be designed in such a way that they are in harmony with ecological, ethical and social objectives?

These and other questions will be discussed as part of the future platform "Mobility in times of digitalization", which will take place online from 4 to 6:30 p.m. on May 4. As part of the event, three experts will first explain their views on pressing issues in the context of mobility and digitization. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for questions, exchange and discussion. We are pleased that we could win the following experts for the event:

  • Dr. habil. Weert Canzler (Co-Head of the Digital Mobility and Social Differentiation Research Group, Social Science Research Center Berlin): "Autonomous driving: hell or heaven?"
  • Maxim Nohroudi (CEO door2door and board member BITKOM): "Are we facing a Kodak/Nokia moment in the mobility industry?"
  • Marion Jungbluth (Head of Team Mobility and Travel, Federation of German Consumer Organisations): "App mobility that takes everyone along".

The event was illustrated by Michael Schrenk:



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