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Press releases

Press 2015 - 2022

1st episode 2022 of the audio podcast "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack" with Prof. Dr. med. Dirk A. Weyhe

From 20 January 2022 online on all usual podcast platforms

The new year 2022 is kicked off in our science podcast "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack" by Prof. Dr. Dirk A. Weyhe. Our guest is Professor of Visceral Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Oldenburg and Director of the university clinic of the same name at the PIUS Hospital Oldenburg.
His job as a surgeon includes complicated abdominal operations - liver, gall bladder, pancreas and colon. His passion as a researcher has become modern technologies in the operating theatre - VR glasses, augmented reality, HoloLens and shared experience. Both are linked by the topic of patient safety.

In the podcast, he talks about his biggest fail as a young Assistant physician (our funniest story yet!) and then raves about the many possibilities that modern technologies open up in the operation room. Weyhe introduces tools for simulating and training for surgeries, develops a virtual anatomy atlas for students and aims for even more individualised surgical treatment overall.

Sometimes he feels like he's on "Star Trek" - especially when he has a hologram of the patient's liver hovering over the operating table or invites an outside expert into the operating theatre as an avatar. Scientifically, his projects can be chalked up as pioneering achievements. In recognition, his clinic was certified as a "Centre of Excellence in Holomedicine" by the Holomedicine Association - a great honour for Oldenburg to join London, Singapore and Miami.

All in all, our guest provides a good feeling in the stomach - for patients and surgeons.
The new podcast episode can be heard on all the usual podcast platforms as well as at:



The Nobel Prize in Medicine 2021 goes to two researchers who found the molecular switches of the sense of touch and temperature

Profs. David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian receive highest scientific award in medicine

The biochemist and sensory physiologist Prof. David Julius and the molecular biologist Prof. Ardem Patapoutian have closed an important gap in sensory research.  The two scientists have researched the mechanisms of how we perceive pain, temperature and touch. For this, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded them in 2021 with the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. In announcing the two prize winners, the Nobel Committee spoke of "groundbreaking discoveries because the human ability to sense warmth, cold and touch is essential for survival and forms the basis for our interaction with the world around us".




No "Heart of Stone"
University of Oldenburg does not accept negative award

The Board of the Research Centre for Neurosensory Science is very affected about the nomination of the Research Centre for the negative prize "Heart of Stone" of the association "Physicians against Animal Experiments" and would like to state the following: Our scientists behave ethically and make an important contribution to biomedical research at the University of Oldenburg. They do not deserve this "negative prize" and vehemently reject its acceptance.

All the facts about blackcap research can be found here (only in German):

Nature publication from Oldenburg on the cover of the current Nature journal

Quantum Birds

An interdisciplinary team from the Universities of Oldenburg and Oxford (UK) has presented evidence that the magnetic sense of migratory birds, such as robins, is based on a specific light-sensitive protein in the eye. In the current issue of the journal Nature (Nature, Vol. 594, 24 June 2021), the researchers show that the protein cryptochrome 4, which is found in the retina of birds, is sensitive to magnetic fields and is thus most likely the magnetic sensor they are looking for.
First author Jingjing Xu, a PhD student in Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen's research group at the University of Oldenburg, initially conducted all experiments in cell cultures; these could subsequently be confirmed by spectroscopic methods and simulations in collaborating research groups.

Read the full Nature article here:


Prof. Anja U. Bräuer makes a guest appearance in the 5th episode of the audio podcast "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack"

"My best move was to come to the University of Oldenburg"

In the fifth episode of the science podcast "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack", Prof. Dr. Anja U. Bräuer, Professor of Anatomy at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, is our guest. She tells us how she came to do a doctorate in anatomy as a biotechnologist and started her academic career in this way. Before she finally became Director of Anatomy and Vice Dean of the Medical Faculty at the University of Oldenburg, she was first Junior Professor of Molecular Neurobiology at the Charité in Berlin and Professor of Anatomy at the University of Rostock.

Anja Bräuer is a good example of how an academic career can only be planned to a certain extent. Thanks to her curiosity and open-mindedness, she has taken on new tasks during her professional career and is now creatively helping to shape the development of Oldenburg University Hospital.

After the recording, everyone involved in the production agreed - this podcast episode really feels like an authentic "Oldenburg Schnack" and, in connection with Anja Bräuer's field of research, lives up to our name: "Hirn gehört - Oldenburger Wissensschnack".


Avoid falls in a targeted way

Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds project on falls prevention with almost 1.8 million euros

The working group led by Prof. Tania Zieschang, Professor of Geriatrics and Director of the University Clinic for Geriatrics at Oldenburg Hospital and Chief Physician of the Clinic for Geriatrics at the Oldenburg Rehabilitation Centre, has obtained funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a new major project. This involves the in-depth investigation of causes for falls in old age as well as the prediction of fall risks based on comprehensive data analysis of the statistical data of about 450 patients who are to be examined within the framework of the project and accompanied over several years.

The aim of the project is also to develop customised prevention programmes that can be tested in the future within the framework of a new falls clinic to be founded in Oldenburg.

Prof. Bernd T. Meyer as guest in the 4th episode of the Oldenburg science podcast "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack" (Heard by brain: Oldenburg knowledge snapshot)

In the fourth episode of the science podcast "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack", Prof. Dr. Bernd T. Meyer, Professor of Communication Acoustics at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, will be the guest from 15 April 2021. He will talk about how he came to communication acoustics and automatic speech recognition as a physicist and computer scientist. He also discusses how complex and diverse language is as a research object. He also talks about the personal value of speech and speech signals in the era of Alexa, Siri and Ok Google. It's worth listening in again, because as a hearing researcher and member of the Neurosensorics Research Centre and the Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all", Bernd Meyer is a particularly interesting guest for our audio podcast "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack".

And here is the link to the official press release of the university:

The Nordwest-Zeitung (NWZ) also reported on the podcast episode with Bernd Meyer in its local section on 13 April 2021.



Audio-Podcast „Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack“ startet am 21.01.2021

Audio-Podcast „Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack“ startet
Erste Sendung am 21. Januar 2021

Am 21.01.2021 startet der neue Wissenschafts-Podcast „Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack“, in dem Wissenschaftler_innen aus der Region über ihre Projekte, ihre Motivation, ihre beste Story, den größten Misserfolg oder ihr verrücktestes Lieblings-Fachwort „schnacken“. Die Moderation des Podcasts übernehmen Dr. Bianca Brüggen und Jens-Steffen Scherer, die auch den Oldenburger Science Slam moderieren. Koordiniert wird das Ganze aus dem Projekt „ReKuTe - Partizipative Wissenschaft für Region, Kultur und Technik“ an der Jade Hochschule.

Der Podcast erscheint immer am dritten Donnerstag eines Monats und den Auftakt macht am 21. Januar Prof. Dr. Ira Diethelm aus der Informatikdidaktik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Sie erzählt wie sie als Schülerin vom Informatikunterricht enttäuscht war und sich trotzdem weiter mit Themen der Informatik beschäftigte, Lehrerin für Mathematik, Chemie und Informatik wurde und schließlich beschloss eine akademische Laufbahn einzuschlagen. Auch über aktuelle Themen wird in der Folge gesprochen, zum Beispiel über Digitalisierung in Schulen.

Der Podcast wird auf der Webseite, den Webseiten der beteiligten Institutionen und über viele Podcast-Anbieter (wie z.B. spotify,, deezer, Tuneln, fyyd, veröffentlicht. Er ist ein Produkt des Projekts „Partizipative Wissenschaft für Region, Kultur, Technik“ der Jade Hochschule, welches von der Europäischen Union über EFRE-Mittel und „Europa für Niedersachsen“ gefördert wird.


Career paths in the neurosciences - Career Day Neuroscience 2019

The 5th Career Day Neuroscience gathered more than 150 participants on 29.03.2019, who wanted to find out about career fields in neuroscience and listened to the exciting presentations of the invited speakers. The organisational team of the 5th Career Day Neuroscience was pleased about so much interest and would like to thank all those who attended and supported the event.

Prestigious ERC Synergy Grant for Prof. Henrik Mouritsen (University of Oldenburg) and Prof. Peter Hore (University of Oxford)

Prof. Henrik Mouritsen, expert in the field of magnetoreception and member of the Research Centre Neurosensory Science, together with Prof. Peter Hore (Oxford), has been awarded a prestigious ERC Synergy Grant totalling around 8.6 million euros for the "QuantumBirds" project. The two experts and their working groups want to clarify in detail how birds perceive the Earth's magnetic field and thus answer one of the most exciting unanswered questions in biology, namely how birds' magnetic sense works.

For more informations:

Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all" successful again

The hearing researchers at the University of Oldenburg, many of whom are members of the Research Centre Neurosensory Science, will continue to receive funding for the next seven years as part of the Excellence Strategy. They have a total of 55 million Euros at their disposal, which they will use to realise the research projects in the Cluster of Excellence application "Hearing4all: Medicine, Basic Research and Engineering Solutions for Personalised Hearing Care".

For more informations:

New Collaborative Research Centre in Hearing Acoustics

"Hearing Acoustics: Perceptive Principles, Algorithms and Applications (HAPPAA)"

Great success for hearing research in Oldenburg: over the next 4 years, the DFG will fund in a Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) the topics that were already the focus of the research group "Individualised Hearing Acoustics" and will now receive a logical continuation and deepening.

The new SFB is called "Hearing Acoustics: Perceptive Principles, Algorithms and Applications (HAPPAA)"; spokesperson is Prof. Dr. Volker Hohmann.
The focus of the large-scale project, which is scheduled to run for a total of twelve years, is the interaction between people with impaired hearing and their acoustic environment.

Please read more here:  press release .



German Research Foundation (DFG) extends Research Training Group "Molecular Basis of Sensory Biology"

The DFG recognizes the strongly interdisciplinary research collaboration and doctoral training within the Research Training Group "Molecular Basis of Sensory Biology" and funds it for another 4.5 years.

For more informations:

Science Slam 2017

The 7th Science Slam at the University of Oldenburg has once again provided the best entertainment in the overcrowded parade hall of the Staatstheater.

The press reiterated the event: NWZ reporter Andrea Fischer was on site and reported in Detail:

"Wie man Gerüche malt und Bakterien sprechen lässt"

Also the press office of the university was involved in the run-up to the slam evening:

"'Goldenes Gehirn' für Science Slammer"

Career paths in neuroscience
Information event for students and doctoral students in science and medicine

At Career Day Neuroscience at the University of Oldenburg on Friday, March 31, 2017, career opportunities and possible career paths in the neurosciences will be on the Wechloy campus (Building W30, Küpkersweg 74).
Details about the program can be found on the specially created Website.

Founding father of the Research Center for Neurosensory Science, Prof. Reto Weiler, honored as one of the fathers of university medicine at the New Year's reception 2017

At the New Year's Reception of the University and the University Society Oldenburg on January 19, 2017, three personalities who have rendered outstanding services to the establishment of the European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen (EMS) were awarded the President's Honorary Badge:
Prof. Dr. Djordje Lazovic, Director of the University Clinic for Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Pius-Hospital Oldenburg, was dean of studies in the founding deanery from 2012 to 2015,
Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Raab, Director of the Department of General and Visceral Surgery at the Klinikum Oldenburg, and Prof. Dr. med. Reto Weiler, Oldenburg neurobiologist and rector of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, were members of the founding committee and from 2012 to 2016 were deputies in the founding deanery of the Faculty VI.

In particular, Reto Weiler and Hans-Rudolf Raab have made a significant contribution to integrating the science professorships into the new Faculty of Medicine and - together with the three Oldenburg hospitals and the Karl Jaspers Clinic in Bad Zwischenahn - the "Medical Campus University of Oldenburg ", Said University President Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Hans Michael Piper.

Junior Professor Sarah Verhulst receives Lower Saxony Science Award 2016

The Minister of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Gabriele Heinen-Kljajić, honored 14 personalities from universities in Lower Saxony on November 17, 2016 in Hannover with the Lower Saxony 2016 Science Award.

The prize for junior researchers, endowed with 20,000 euros, went to Prof. Dr. med. Sarah Verhulst from the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. Prof. Verhulst holds a junior professorship at the Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all" and is involved in the development of diagnostic methods for studying the function of the hearing system, among other things.

Find the official press release of the ministry for science and culture here.

Science Slam 2016 in the Exerzierhalle Oldenburg

Find the full article of the Science Slam 2016 of the University of Oldenburg, organized by the Research Center Neurosensory Science in collaboration with the Staatstheater Oldenburg, the Graduate Schools 3GO and Oltech and the Graduate Academy. It was a great evening with science-based entertainment and much anticipated award ceremony.

The prize, donated by the University Society Oldenburg (UGO) and solemnly presented by its advisory board member and director of the University Library Hans-Joachim Waetjen, was won by the PhD student from the Neurosensorics Group Bianca Brüggen (in the middle of the picture).

Large-scale research facilities start operating: new opportunities for research

Psychological and medical research at the university can draw on a new major device: For a study on the impact of chronic pain on the numerical understanding of the first magnetic resonance tomograph (MRI) of the Faculty VI Medicine and Health Sciences is used. This is the second joint project between natural scientists and clinicians within the Research Center for Neurosensory Science.

It is examined whether the structure of the brain changes in chronic pain patients. Do they therefore rate numbers differently - also in relation to one another - than painless patients? So does medicine need to reconsider the numerical scale used to describe one's own level of pain? These questions are examined by the University Clinic for Anesthesiology / Intensive Care Medicine / Emergency Medicine / Pain Therapy of the Klinikum Oldenburg in cooperation with the working group Biological Psychology of the University under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Thiel.

Find the full text of the press release here.

Top funding for Oldenburg Hörforscherin Junior Professor Sarah Verhulst receives 1.5 million euros from the EU for research into so-called "secret hearing loss"

Prof. Dr. Sarah Verhulst, Junior Professor in the Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all" and member of the Research Center for Neurosensorics, receives a € 1.5 million start-up grant from the European Research Council (ERC Grant). This is the first ERC grant at the University of Oldenburg.

Link to the NWZ-Online from 10.11.2015:,0,98519375.html

Link to the official university press release from 09.11.2015:

Academic Senate and University Council vote for Vice Presidents

Following a proposal by President Prof. dr. Dr. Hans Michael Piper, the Senate of the University of Oldenburg, the Germanist Prof. Dr. med. Sabine Kyora as Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Gender Equality, Linguist and longtime member of the Research Center for Neurosensors Prof. Dr. med. Esther Ruigendijk as Vice President for Young Researchers and Internationals and the Physicist Prof. Dr. med. Martin Holthaus confirmed as vice president for research and transfer.

The two-year mandate of part-time Vice Presidents is expected to commence on January 1, 2016, following the required endorsement by the Department of Science and Culture.

Link to the official university press release from 04.11.2015:

Press - 2013-2015







































Forschungszentrum Neurosensorik elects new board
Biochemist Koch acts as Managing Director

The interdisciplinary research center Neurosensorik (FZN) at the University of Oldenburg has a new board. The biochemist Prof. dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch, acting unanimously, will act as Managing Director of the cross-faculty center for the next two years.

 More information - Link


Oldenburg "Lebenswissenschaften" ranks third among DFG funds per researcher nationwide

More information  - Link

Ceremonial opening of the NeSSy research building with Minister of Science Heinen-Kljajic
The new research building NeSSy offers space for around 80 employees of the Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all" and the interface between the research centers Neurosensorics and Safety Critical Systems. At the ceremonial opening of the building on June 23, 2015, Lower Saxony's Minister of Science Dr. Ing. Gabriele Heinen-Kljajic.

More information - Link

Private lecturer Dr. Karin Dedek - extraordinary professor at the University of Oldenburg

Dr. Karin Dedek, Provost lecturer at the Department of Neuroscience and longtime member of the Research Center for Neurosensorics, was given the title of "Unplanned Professor (apl.Prof.)" By the Academic Senate of the University of Oldenburg.


Oldenburg audiologist Jannis Hildebrandt examines the hearing system of grasshoppers

Der Juniorprofessor und Mitglied des Vorstandes des Forschungszentrums Neurosensorik Jannis Hildebrandt hat neueste Forschungsergebnisse veröffentlicht. More information - Link


What human hearing has in common with that of owls and lizards: sound emitted by the ears
Oldenburg neurobiologist Professor Christine Köppl, together with Canadian colleagues, publishes an important study in the international journal
More information - Link

Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to inventors of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, Göttingen scientist Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Hell and two American scientists

Based on their research results, the so-called high-resolution light microscope (STED microscope) was developed. Since mid-2012, the first commercially available light microscope has been put into operation at the Research Center for Neurosensors.

Nobel Prize for Medicine goes to Neuroscientists

This year's Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology goes to three neuroscientists: John O'Keefe, a neuroscientist from London, and Norwegian brain researchers May-Britt and Edvard Moser from Trondheim. The three are concerned with the question of how spatial orientation takes place in the brain. The researchers have discovered a kind of "inner GPS system" in the brain - a cell network that allows people to orient themselves in space. Their discovery concerns cells, which form a positioning system in the brain and allow us to find our way around the environment. The highest honor for physicians is endowed with the equivalent of 870,000 euros.


Neurobiologist Reto Weiler appointed in Austrian Science Council

Prof. Dr. Reto Weiler, Vice Dean of Faculty VI Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Oldenburg and Rector of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst, has been appointed by the Federal President of the Republic of Austria to the Austrian Science Council. The Cabinet approved his appointment at the end of December. The term of office of the Oldenburg neurobiologist is three years.

























































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