Darrin Reed
Darrin Reed
Darrin Reed
M. Sc.
Electrical Engineering
Room: W2-1-165
phone:+49-441-798 3502
fax:+49-441-798 3698
Research Areas
- Auditory pathway modeling
- Perception of complex auditory scenes
- Binaural signal processing
Curriculum vitae
03/2010 – 05/2010 | Sennheiser (Palo Alto, California): Short-term headphone R&D project |
08/2008 - 02/2010 | Research assistant to Dr. Rob C. Maher: Binaural signal processing |
11/2008 – 02/2010 | HeadRoom: Headphone test engineer |
08/2008 – 12/2009 | Montana State University: Master of Science – Electrical Engineering |
08/2005 – 06/2008 | Research Assistant to Dr. Elisa Barney-Smith: Optical character recognition signal processing |
08/2001 – 05/2007 | Boise State University: Bachelor of Science – Electrical Engineering |
Conference proceedings / printed abstracts
Reed, D., Kohlrausch, A., van de Par, S. (2014) Limited effect of binaural modulation on monaural modulation sensitivity, Forum Acusticum 2014, Krakow, Poland
Reed, D., van de Par, S. (2014) Characterization of a binaural modulation perception , Forum Acusticum 2014, Krakow, Poland
Reed, D., Josupeit, A., van de Par, S. (2014) Rapid binaural processing for source segregation and lateralization, 167th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
van de Par, S., Reed, D. (2014) The temporal acuity for processing interaural cues, 167th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Reed, D., van de Par, S. (2014) Temporal resolution of the binaural system for lateralizing purely binaural modulations, DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, Germany
Reed, D., van de Par, S. (2013) Lateralization of noise targets with interaural level differences presented within a noise masker, International Congress on Acoustics 2013, Montreal, Canada
Reed, D., van de Par, S. (2012) Lateralization of a coherent noise source within a diffuse background noise using interaural level differences, DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
Reed, D., Maher, R.C. (2009) An investigation of early reflection’s effect on front-back localization in spatial audio, 127th Audio Engineering Society Convention, New York, USA
Reed, D., Barney Smith, E.H. (2008) Correlating degradation models and image quality metrics, SPIE 2008, San Jose, USA
Additional activities
03/2005 – 08/2008 | Live recording engineer at Tonic Room Recording and Mastering Studios |
09/2007 - 08/2008 | House-sound assistant at Morrison Center for the Performing Arts |
Since… | Mountain activities: Hiking, camping, fly-fishing, biking, and skiing |