journal articles / book chapters - Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (submitted). Partial loudness as a measure of the magnitude of tonal content Acoust. Sci. & Tech.
- Hansen, H., Verhey, J.L. & Weber, R. (submitted). Pitch strength and the magnitude of tonal content - a review Acta Acust united Ac.
- Kahl, C. & Hansen, H. (in preparation). Lärm als Gesundheitsbelastung [Noise and its impact on health]. In T. Kliche & J. Töppich (Eds.), Handbuch der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in Kitas. Stand, Grundlagen und Praxisansätze [Handbook of stress prevention and health promotion in day-care centers].
- Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2009) Semantic evaluations of noise with tonal components in Japan, France, and Germany - A cross-cultural comparison. J Acoust Soc Am, 125, 850-862.
- H. Hansen & R. Weber (2008). The influence of tone length and S/N-ratio on the perception of tonal content: An application of probabilistic choice models in car acoustics Acoust Sci & Tech, 29, 156-166.
proceedings / printed abstracts - Kahl, C. & Hansen, H. (2010). Modeling Creativity from a Systems Perspective: CRESY-I 3rd World Congress on Social Simulation, Kassel, Deutschland.
Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2010)} Partial loudness as a tonal content measure Internoise'10, Lissabon, Portugal. Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2010) Zum Verhältnis von Tonhaltigkeit und der partiellen Lautheit der tonalen Komponenten in Rauschen DAGA '10, Berlin. - Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2010) Die Ausgeprägtheit der Tonhöhe, das Aufösungsvermögen des Gehörs & und die Bildung auditorischer Objekte DAGA '10, Berlin.
- Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2009) Pitch strength, tone segregation, and frequency difference limen (abstract). J Acoust Soc Am, 2009, 126, 2242.
- Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2009) Item bias in the cross-cultural evaluation of tonal content. Proc Internoise 2009, Ottawa, Canada.
- H. Hansen & R. Weber (2009) Identification and detection of a tone in narrowband noise. NAG/DAGA '09, Rotterdam, The Netherlands .
- Kahl, C. & Hansen, H. (2008) Modeling an environment to facilitate creativity. Proc 39th European Mathematical Psychology Group Meeting.
- Weber, R. & Hansen, H. (2008) Intercultural comparison of the perception of tonal components in noise. Proc Internoise 2008, Shanghai, China.
- Hansen, H. & Weber, R. (2008) Fusion and masking threshold of a tone in narrowband noise (abstract). J Acoust Soc Am, 123, 3162.
- Weber, R. & Hansen, H. Sound character ratings by experienced and naive listeners (abstract). J Acoust Soc Am, 2008, 123, 3244.
- H. Hansen & R. Weber (2007) Comparison of perceptual dimension in Japan, France, and Germany (Poster). Proceedings 2nd International VDT Symposium - sound design
- R. Weber & H. Hansen (2007). Perception of noises with tonal components in Japan, France and Germany. Proc Internoise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
- H. Hansen & R. Weber (2007) Effects of duration and S/N ratio of partially masked sinusoids on judged tonal contents. DAGA '07, Stuttgart.
- H. Hansen, R. Weber & V. Mellert (2006). Pitch salience of weak tonal components with variable durations and levels in noise. Proc Internoise 2006, Honolulu, USA.
- H. Hansen, R. Weber, U. Letens (2005). Quantifying tonal phenomena in interior car sounds. Proc Forum Acusticum 2005, Budapest, Ungarn.
- H. Hansen, R. Weber, U. Letens (2005). Subjektive Bewertung der Tonhaltigkeit in der Fahrzeugakustik. DAGA '05, München.
- H. Hansen, R. Weber, T. Matsui, S. Kuwano, and S. Namba (2004) Evaluation of sound quality affected by tonal components in Germany and Japan CFA/ DAGA '04, Strassburg, Frankreich.
- M. Morinaga, H. Hansen, R. Weber, T. Matsui, S. Kuwano, S. Namba (2004) The effect of virtual pitch on sound quality. The proceedings of the autumn meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 445-446.
- H. Hansen, R. Weber, T. Matsui, S. Kuwano, S. Namba (2003) The effect of tonal components on sound quality. Acoustic Society of Japan, Research Council of Noise and Vibration, N-2003-08.