Ina Eilers

Ina Eilers

Ina Eilers
B.Eng. Hearing Technologie and Audiologie

Room: W2 0-058
phone:+49-441-798 3366
fax:+49-441-798 3698

Research Areas

  • Roomacoustics
  • Psychoacoustics

Curriculum vitae

since 05/2011

Master thesis about “Acoustic and Soundscapes in Restaurants”

since 4/2010

Master student in “Hörtechnik und Audiologie” at the University Oldenburg

10/2006 - 03/2010

Bachelor student in “Hörtechnik und Audiologie” at the FH Oldenburg


Abitur at Ubbo-Emmius-Gymnasium in Leer

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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