Study Courses
Study Courses
For students who would like to orient themselves towards astrophysics, we offer courses in both experimental and theoretical orientation. In addition to a basic education in the classical subject canon of physics, we recommend the schedule or elective courses listed below.
You are studying Engineering Physics, Physics or Physics, Engineering, Medicine and wonder how you can get credits for the Astrophysics modules? Here you will find suggestions for integrating them into your studies(subject physics, engineering physics).
Bachelor Modules / Professionalisation Area
4th semester:
- Astrophysik I (5.04.342a)
5th semester:
- Astrophysik II (5.04.342b)
- Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik (FPR-B) – Versuch Astrometrie von Asteroiden/Kleinplaneten (5.04.311)
6th semester:
- Einführung in die Kern- und Teilchenphysik (5.04.341)
- Bachelor thesis
- Theoretical orientation (field theory, general relativity)
- Experimental orientation (e.g. minor objects, robotic observatories)
- Observational astronomy (also for students of other degree programmes after attending Astrophysics I and II)
If required, there is the possibility of a lab project to learn basic astronomical observation and data processing techniques.
Master modules
1st semester:
- High-Energy Radiation Physics (5.04.4642)
- The Space Environment (5.04.776)
- Kosmologie (5.04.4539)
- Quantenmechanik II (5.04.4522)
- Paradoxa der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie (5.04.4584)
- Differential Geometry for Physicists I (5.04.4254)
- Current trends in Gravitation I (5.04.4013a)
- Einführung in die Himmelsmechanik / Analytische und numerische Aspekte der Himmelsmechanik (5.04.4585 – currently not offered regularly)
- Turbulenz und Astrophysik (currently not offered regularly)
2nd semester:
- Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik (FPR-M) – Versuch Vertiefende Beobachtungstechniken der Astrophysik (5.04.4101)
- Advanced Laboratories in Renewable Energy for Eng. Physics (5.04.4102)
- Vertiefende Beobachtungstechniken der Astrophysik (5.04.4644)
- Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (5.04.4261)
- Differential Geometry for Physicists II (5.04.4770)
- Current trends in Gravitation II (5.04.4013b)
- Astrophysical Instrumentation (5.04.667)
- Engineering Scientific Instrumentation (5.04.4677)
- Quantenfeldtheorie (5.04.4574 – currently not offered regularly)
- Akkretionsscheiben (5.04.1003 – currently not offered regularly)
- Schwarze Löcher (5.04.4583 – currently not offered regularly)
- Relativistische Hydrodynamik (5.04.890 – acurrently not offered regularly)
3rd/4th semester:
- Master thesis
- Theoretical orientation (field theory, general relativity)
- Experimental orientation (e.g. minor Objects, robotic observatories)
In addition, the courses offered by the University of Bremen can be taken. The courses can be found under the following link. Please select "Physics-Master" (elective 2.3.1 Astrophysics).
Link to Stud.IP - Astrophysics Lectures (Uni-Intern only)