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Meteoriten Meldungen 

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Work-group leader

Prof. Dr. Jutta Kunz

+49 441-798-3184

Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe

+49 441-229-1614

Dr. Thorsten Plaggenborg, Dipl.-Chem.

+49 441-798-3444


Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
V. School of Mathematics and Science
Carl-von-Ossitzky-Str. 9-11 26129 Oldenburg

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SN 2014J

SN 2014J

On 23.1.2014, the explosion of a type Ia supernova was detected in the galaxy M82. The animation shows a re-evaluation of the data from NASA Micro-Observatory Network in the time from 15-23.1 by the Oldenburg working group. You can clearly see the increase in brightness over the days (animation starts after clicking, second image light curve of the AAVSO). Further information on the outstanding significance of this supernova can be found at (link).

The Oldenburg analyses are now available on the AAVSO website and are among the earliest recorded brightness values worldwide.


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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