

Uni Göttingen

Publications MH

Publications Markus Hauck

Refereed publications in international journals

Hauck M, Dulamsuren C & Leuschner C. 2016. Anomalous increase in winter temperature and decline in forest growth associated with severe winter smog in the Ulan Bator Basin. Water Air and Soil Pollution 277: 261. doi:10.1007/s11270-016-2957-1.

Hauk M, Artykbaeva GT, Zozulya TN & Dulamsuren C. 2016. Pastoral livestock husbandry and rural livelihoods in the forest-steppe of east Kazakhstan. Journal of Arid Environments 133: 102-111.

Liang E, Leuschner C, Dulamsuren C, Wagner B & Hauck M. 2016. Global warming-related tree growth decline and mortality on the north-eastern Tibetan plateau. Climatic Change 134: 163-176, doi: 10.1007/s10584-015-1531-y.

Dulamsuren C, Klinge M, Degener J, Khishigjargal M, Chenlemuge T, Bat-Enerel B, Yeruult Y, Saindovdon D, Ganbaatar K, Tsogtbaatar J, Leuschner C & Hauck M. 2016. Carbon pool densities and a first estimate of the total carbon pool in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Global Change Biology 22: 830-844, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13127.

Bade C, Jacob M, Jungkunst HF, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2015. Nitrogen mineralization peaks under closed canopy during the natural forest development cycle of an old-growth temperate spruce forest. Annals of Forest Science 72: 67-76.

Bade C, Jacob M, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2015. Chemical properties of decaying wood in an old-growth spruce forest and effects on soil chemistry. Biogeochemistry 122: 1-13.

Chenlemuge T, Dulamsuren Ch, Hertel D, Schuldt B, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2015. Hydraulic properties and fine root mass of Larix sibirica along forest edge-interior gradients. Acta Oecologica 63: 28-35.

Chenlemuge T, Schuldt B, Dulamsuren Ch, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2015. Stem increment and hydraulic architecture of a boreal conifer (Larix sibirica) under contrasting macroclimates. Trees 29: 623-636.

Köhler L, Leuschner C, Hauck M, Hertel D. 2015. Cloud water interception and element deposition differ largely between Norway spruce stands along an elevation transect in Harz Mountains, Germany. Ecohydrology 8: 1048-1064.

Wagner B, Liang EY, Li X, Dulamsuren Ch, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2015. Carbon pools of semi-arid Picea crassifolia forests in the Qilian Mountains (north-eastern Tibetan Plateau.. Forest Ecology and Management 343: 136-143.

Zimmermann J, Hauck M, Dulamsuren Ch, Leuschner, C. 2015. Climate warming-related growth decline affects Fagus sylvatica, but not other broad-leaved tree species in Central European mixed forests. Ecosystems 18: 560-572.

Dittrich S, Jacob M, Bade C, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2014. The significance of deadwood for total bryophyte, lichen, and vascular plant diversity in an old-growth spruce forest. Plant Ecology 215: 1123-1137.

Dulamsuren Ch, Khishigjargal M, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2014. Response of tree-ring width to climate warming and selective logging in larch forests of the Mongolian Altai. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 24-38.

Hauck M. 2014. Edge effects on epiphytic lichen diversity in the forest-steppe of the Kazakh Altai. Plant Ecology and Diversity 7: 473-483.

Hauck M, de Bruyn U, Javkhlan S, Lkhagvadorj D. 2014. Forest edge-interior differentiation in the epiphytic lichen diversity of the forest-steppe in the Khangai Mountains, Mongolia. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 287-297.

Hauck M, Dulamsuren Ch, Bayartogtokh B, Ulykpan K, Burkitbaeva UD, Otgonjargal E, Titov SV, Enkhbayar T, Sundetpaev AK, Beket U, Leuschner C. 2014. Relationships between the diversity patterns of vascular plants, lichens and invertebrates in the Central Asian forest-steppe ecotone. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 1105-1117.

Khishigjargal M, Dulamsuren Ch, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2014. Climate effects on inter- and intra-annual larch stemwood anomalies in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Acta Oecologica 55: 113-121.

Battulga P, Tsogtbaatar J, Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M. 2013. Equations for estimating the above-ground biomass of Larix sibirica in the forest-steppe of Mongolia. Journal of Forestry Research 24: 431-437.

Chenlemuge T, Hertel H, Dulamsuren Ch, Khishigjargal M, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2013. Extremely low fine root biomass in Larix sibirica forests at the southern drought limit of the boreal forest. Flora 208: 488-496.

Dittrich S, Hauck M, Jacob M, Rommerskirchen A, Leuschner C. 2013. Response of ground vegetation and epiphyte diversity to natural age dynamics in a Central European mountain spruce forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 675-687.

Dittrich S, Hauck M, Schweigatz D, Dörfler I, Hühne R, Bade C, Jacob M, Leuschner C. 2013. Separating forest continuity from tree age effects on plant diversity in the ground and epiphyte vegetation of a Central European mountain spruce forest. Flora 208: 238-246.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Leuschner C. 2013. Seedling emergence and establishment of Pinus sylvestris in the Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone. Plant Ecology 214: 139-152.

Dulamsuren Ch, Wommelsdorf T, Zhao F, Xue Y, Zhumadilov BZ, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2013. Increased summer temperatures reduce the growth and regeneration of Larix sibirica in southern boreal forests of eastern Kazakhstan. Ecosystems 16: 1536-1549.

Hauck M, Böning J, Jacob M, Dittrich S, Feussner I, Leuschner C. 2013. Lichen substance concentrations in the lichen Hypogymnia physodes are correlated with heavy metal concentrations in the substratum. Environmental and Experimental Botany 85: 58-63.

Hauck M, de Bruyn U, Leuschner C. 2013. Dramatic diversity losses in epiphytic lichens in temperate broad-leaved forests during the last 150 years. Biological Conservation 157: 136-145.

Hauck M, Lkhagvadorj D. 2013. Epiphytic lichens as indicators of grazing pressure in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Ecological Indicators 32: 82-88.

Jacob M, Bade C, Calvete H, Dittrich S, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2013. Significance of over-mature and decaying trees for carbon stocks in a Central European natural spruce forest. Ecosystems 16: 336-346.

Khishigjargal M, Dulamsuren Ch, Lkhagvadorj D, Leuschner C, Hauck M. 2013. Contrasting responses of seedling and sapling densities to livestock density in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Plant Ecology 214: 1391-1403.

Lkhagvadorj D, Hauck M, Dulamsuren Ch, Tsogtbaatar J. 2013. Pastoral nomadism in the forest-steppe ecotone of the Mongolian Altai under a changing economy and a warming climate. Journal of Arid Environments 88: 82-89.

Lkhagvadorj D, Hauck M, Dulamsuren Ch, Tsogtbaatar J. 2013. Twenty years after decollectivization: mobile livestock husbandry and its ecological impact in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Human Ecology 41: 725-735.

Hauck M, Javkhlan S, Lkhagvadorj D, Bayartogtokh B, Dulamsuren Ch, Leuschner C. 2012. Edge and land-use effects on epiphytic lichen diversity in the forest-steppe ecotone of the Mongolian Altai. Flora 207: 450-458.

Hauck M, Zimmermann J, Jacob M, Dulamsuren Ch, Bade C, Ahrends B, Leuschner C. 2012. Rapid recovery of stem increment in Norway spruce at reduced SO2 levels in the Harz Mountains, Germany. Environmental Pollution 164: 132-141.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C. 2011. Climate response of tree-ring width in Larix sibirica growing in the drought-stressed forest-steppe ecotone of northern Mongolia. Annals of Forest Science 68: 275-282.

Hauck M. 2011. Site factors controlling epiphytic lichen abundance in northern coniferous forests. Flora 206: 81-90.

Hauck M. 2011. Eutrophication threatens the biochemical diversity in lichens. Lichenologist 43: 147-154.

Hauck M, Otto PI, Dittrich S, Jacob M, Bade C, Dörfler I, Leuschner C. 2011. Small increase in substratum pH causes the dieback of one of Europe's most common lichens, Lecanora conizaeoides. Annals of Botany 108: 359-366.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Khishigjargal M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C. 2010. Diverging climate trends in Mongolian taiga forests influence growth and regeneration of Larix sibirica. Oecologia 163: 1091-1102.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Leuschner C. 2010. Recent drought stress leads to growth reductions in Larix sibirica in the western Khentey, Mongolia. Global Change Biology 16: 3024-3035.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C. 2010. Gypsy moth-induced growth decline of Larix sibirica in a forest-steppe ecotone. Dendrochronologia 28: 207-213.

Hauck M. 2010. Ammonium and nitrate tolerance in lichens. Environmental Pollution 158: 1127-1133.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Leuschner C. 2010.: Effect of amino acid moieties on metal binding in pulvinic acid derivatives and ecological implications for lichens producing these compounds. Bryologist 113: 1-7.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Leuschner C. 2010.: Norstictic acid: correlations between its physico-chemical characteristics and ecological preferences of lichens producing this depsidone. Environmental and Experimental Botany 68: 309-313.

Hauck M, Wirth V. 2010. Preference of lichens for shady habitats is correlated with intolerance to high nitrogen levels. Lichenologist 42: 475-484.

Hauck M, Wirth V. 2010. New combinations in Bacidina. Herzogia 23: 15-17.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel Sh, Nyambayar S, Runge M, Leuschner C. 2009. Water relations and photosynthetic performance in Larix sibirica growing in the forest-steppe ecotone of northern Mongolia. Tree Physiology 29: 99-110.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel Sh, Nyambayar S, Leuschner C. 2009. The different strategies of Pinus sylvestris and Larix sibirica to deal with summer drought in a northern Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone suggest a future superiority of pine in a warming climate. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 2520-2528.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Nyambayar S, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel S, Leuschner C. 2009. Performance of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga: drought stress and herbivory in mature trees. Environmental and Experimental Botany 66: 18-24.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Nyambayar S, Leuschner C. 2009. Establishment of Ulmus pumila seedlings on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga. Acta Oecologica 35: 563-572.

Hauck M. 2009. Global warming and alternative causes of decline in arctic-alpine and boreal-montane lichens in north-western Central Europe. Global Change Biology 15: 2653-2661.

Hauck M, Javkhlan S. 2009. Epiphytic lichen diversity and its dependence on bark chemistry in the northern Mongolian dark taiga. Flora 204: 278-288.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Huneck S, Leuschner C. 2009. High acidity tolerance in lichens with fumarprotocetraric, perlatolic or thamnolic acids is correlated with low pKa1 values of these lichen substances. Environmental Pollution 157: 2776-2780.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Willenbruch K, Huneck S, Leuschner C. 2009. Dissociation and metal-binding characteristics of yellow lichen substances suggest a relationship with site preferences of lichens. Annals of Botany 103: 13-22.

Hauck M, Paul A, Leuschner C. 2009. Element uptake in thalli of the lichen Physcia caesia from sandstone and calcareous substratum. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172: 839-842.

Hauck M, Willenbruch K, Leuschner C. 2009. Lichen substances prevent lichens from nutrient deficiency. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35: 71-73.

Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C. 2009. Iron and phosphate uptake explains the calcifuge-calcicole behavior of the terricolous lichens Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata and C. rangiformis. Plant and Soil 319: 49-56.

Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C. 2009. Iron and phosphate uptake in epiphytic and saxicolous lichens differing in their pH requirements. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67: 133-138.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M. 2008. Spatial and seasonal variation of climate on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga. Grassland Science 54: 217-230.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Mühlenberg M. 2008. Insect and small mammal herbivores limit tree establishment in northern Mongolian steppe. Plant Ecology 195: 143-156.

Hauck M. 2008. Metal homeostasis in Hypogymnia physodes is controlled by lichen substances. Environmental Pollution 153: 304-308.

Hauck M. 2008. Susceptibility to acidic precipitation contributes to the decline of the terricolous lichens Cetraria aculeata and Cetraria islandica in central Europe. Environmental Pollution 152: 731-735.

Hauck M. 2008. Epiphytic lichens indicate recent increase in air pollution in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator. Lichenologist 40: 165-168.

Hauck M, Dulamsuren Ch, Heimes C. 2008. Effects of a gypsy moth invasion on the performance of Larix sibirica in a forest-steppe ecotone of northern Mongolia. Environmental and Experimental Botany 62: 351-356.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R. 2008. Usnic acid controls the acidity tolerance of lichens. Environmental Pollution 156: 115-122.

Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Brinkmann M, Herminghaus S. 2008. Surface hydrophobicity causes SO2 tolerance in lichens. Annals of Botany 101: 531-539.

Schlütz F, Dulamsuren Ch, Wieckowska M, Mühlenberg M, Hauck M. 2008. Late Holocene vegetation history suggests natural origin of steppes in the northern Mongolian mountain taiga. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 261: 203-217.

Bock C, Hauck M, Fischer E. 2007. The lichen flora of Rwanda: an annotated checklist. Willdenowia 37: 563-575.

Hauck M, Dulamsuren Ch, Mühlenberg M. 2007. Lichen diversity on steppe slopes in the northern Mongolian mountain taiga and its dependence on microclimate. Flora 202: 530-546.

Hauck M, Helms G & Friedl T. 2007. Photobiont selectivity in the epiphytic lichens Hypogymnia physodes and Lecanora conizaeoides. Lichenologist 39: 195-204.

Hauck M, Huneck S. 2007. Lichen substances affect metal adsorption in Hypogymnia physodes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 219-223.

Hauck M, Huneck S. 2007. The putative role of fumarprotocetraric acid in the manganese tolerance of the lichen Lecanora conizaeoides. Lichenologist 39: 301-304.

Hauck M, Huneck S, Elix JA, Paul A. 2007. Does secondary chemistry enable lichens to grow on iron-rich substrates? Flora 202: 471-478.

Hauck M, Hofmann E, Schmull M. 2006. Site factors determining epiphytic lichen distribution in a dieback-affected spruce-fir forest on Whiteface Mountain, New York: microclimate. Annales Botanici Fennici 43: 1-12.

Hauck M, Javkhlan, S. 2006. Additions to the lichen flora of Mongolia: records from Khentey and Khangay. Willdenowia 36: 895-912.

Hauck M, Paul A, Spribille T. 2006. Uptake and toxicity of manganese in epiphytic cyanolichens. Environmental and Experimental Botany 56: 216-224.

Paul A, Hauck M. 2006. Effects of manganese on chlorophyll fluorescence in the epiphytic cyanolichens Leptogium saturninum, Lobaria pulmonaria, Nephroma helvetium and the chlorolichen Hypogymnia physodes. Flora 201: 451-460.

Bock C, Hauck M. 2005. Graphis tetralocularis, a new lichen with four-celled ascospores from tropical Africa. Lichenologist 37: 105-108.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Mühlenberg M. 2005. Vegetation at the taiga forest-steppe borderline in the western Khentej Mountains, northern Mongolia. Annales Botanici Fennici 42: 411-426.

Dulamsuren Ch, Hauck M, Mühlenberg M. 2005. Ground vegetation in the Mongolian taiga forest-steppe ecotone does not offer evidence for the human origin of grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 8: 149-154.

Dulamsuren Ch, Welk E, Jäger EJ, Hauck M, Mühlenberg M. 2005. Range-habitat relationships of vascular plant species at the taiga forest-steppe borderline in the western Khentej Mountains, northern Mongolia. Flora 200: 376-397.

Hauck M. 2005. Epiphytic lichen diversity on dead and dying conifers under different levels of atmospheric pollution. Environmental Pollution 135: 111-119.

Hauck M, Paul A. 2005. Manganese as a site factor for epiphytic lichens. Lichenologist 37: 409-423.

Hauck M, Spribille T. 2005. The significance of precipitation and substrate chemistry for epiphytic lichen diversity in spruce-fir forests of the Salish Mountains, Montana. Flora 200: 547-562.

Schmull M, Hauck M. 2005. Lecidea hercynica, a new montane epiphytic lichen from Germany. Lichenologist 37: 485-489.

Dulamsuren Ch, Kamelin RV, Cvelev NN, Hauck M, Mühlenberg M. 2004. Additions to the flora of the Khentej, Mongolia. Part 2. Willdenowia 34: 505-510.

Paul A, Hauck M, Langenfeld-Heyser R. 2004. Ultrastructural changes in soredia of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes cultivated with manganese. Environmental and Experimental Botany 52: 139-147.

Hauck M. 2003. New Frontiers in Bryology and Lichenology. Epiphytic lichen diversity and forest dieback: the role of chemical site factors. Bryologist 106: 257-269.

Hauck M, Gross S. 2003. Potassium uptake in the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes at concentrations and pH conditions as found in stemflow. Flora 198: 127-131.

Hauck M, Paul A, Gross S, Raubuch M. 2003. Manganese toxicity in epiphytic lichens: chlorophyll degradation and interaction with iron and phosphorus. Environmental and Experimental Botany 49: 181-191.

Hauck M, Zöller, T. 2003. Copper sensitivity of soredia of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. Lichenologist 35: 271-274.

Paul A, Hauck M & Fritz E. 2003. Effects of manganese on element distribution and structure in thalli of the epiphytic lichens Hypogymnia physodes and Lecanora conizaeoides. Environmental and Experimental Botany 50: 113-124.

Schmull M, Hauck M. 2003. Extraction methods for assessing the availability of cations for epiphytic lichens from bark. Environmental and Experimental Botany 49: 273-283.

Schmull M, Hauck M. 2003. Element microdistribution in the bark of Abies balsamea and Picea rubens and its impact on epiphytic lichen abundance on Whiteface Mountain, New York. Flora 198: 293-303.

Spribille T, Hauck M. 2003. Pyrrhospora gowardiana, a new montane lichen from western North America (Lecanoraceae, lichenized Ascomycetes. Bryologist 106: 560-564.

Hauck M, Hesse V, Runge M. 2002. Correlations between the Mn/Ca ratio in stemflow and epiphytic lichen abundance in a dieback-affected spruce forest of the Harz Mountains, Germany. Flora 197: 361-369.

Hauck M, Hesse V, Runge M. 2002. The significance of stemflow chemistry for epiphytic lichen diversity in a dieback-affected spruce forest on Mt. Brocken, northern Germany. Lichenologist 34: 415-427.

Hauck M, Meißner M. 2002. Epiphytic lichen distribution on branches and trunks of Abies balsamea on Whiteface Mountain, New York. Lichenologist 34: 443-446.

Hauck M, Mulack M, Paul A. 2002. Manganese uptake in the epiphytic lichens Hypogymnia physodes and Lecanora conizaeoides. Environmental and Experimental Botany 48: 107-116.

Hauck M, Paul A, Mulack M, Fritz E, Runge M. 2002. Effects of manganese on the viability of vegetative diaspores of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 47: 127-142.

Hauck M, Runge M. 2002. Stemflow chemistry and epiphytic lichen diversity in dieback-affected spruce forest of the Harz Mountains, Germany. Flora 197: 250-261.

Hauck M, Spribille T. 2002. The Mn/Ca and Mn/Mg ratios in bark as possible causes for the occurrence of Lobarion lichens on conifers in the dripzone of Populus in western North America. Lichenologist 34: 527-532.

Schmull M, Brodo IM, Hauck M. 2002. First record of Bryoria subcana (Nyl. ex Stizenb.. Brodo & D. Hawksw. in eastern North America. Lichenologist 34: 87-88.

Schmull M, Hauck M, Vann DR, Johnson AH, Runge M. 2002. Site factors determining epiphytic lichen distribution in a dieback-affected spruce-fir forest on Whiteface Mountain, New York: stemflow chemistry. Canadian Journal of Botany 80: 1131-1140.

Hauck M, Hesse V, Jung R, Zöller T, Runge M. 2001. Long-distance transported sulphur as a limiting factor for the abundance of Lecanora conizaeoides in montane spruce forests. Lichenologist 33: 267-269.

Hauck M, Jung R, Runge M. 2001. Relevance of element content of bark for the distribution of epiphytic lichens in a montane spruce forest affected by forest dieback. Environmental Pollution 112: 221-227.

Hauck M, Jung R, Runge M. 2000. Does water-holding capacity of bark have an influence on lichen performance in dieback-affected spruce forests? Lichenologist 32: 407-409.

Hauck M, Runge M. 1999. Occurrence of pollution-sensitive epiphytic lichens in woodlands affected by forest decline: a new hypothesis. Flora 194: 159-168.

Other Publications

Hauck M, Jacob M, Dittrich S, Bade C, Leuschner C. 2013. Natürliche Walddynamik und ihr Wert für Biodiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen: Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie aus dem Harz. Forstarchiv 84: 75-80.

Wirth V, Hauck M, von Brackel W, Cezanne O, de Bruyn U, Dürhammer O, Eichler M, Gnüchtel A, John V, Litterski B, Otte V, Schiefelbein U, Scholz P, Schultz M, Stordeur R, Feuerer T, Heinrich D. 2011. Rote Liste und Artenverzeichnis der Flechten und flechtenbewohnenden Pilze Deutschlands. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 (6): 7-122.

Wirth V, Vondrák J, de Bruyn U, Hauck M. 2011. Erstfunde von Flechtenarten für Deutschland und Frankreich. Herzogia 24: 155-158.

Hauck M. 2010. The fate of arctic-alpine lichens under rising temperatures and changed land use in Lower Saxony, northern Germany. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 104: 155-160.

Hauck M, de Bruyn U. 2010. Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Flechten in Niedersachsen und Bremen. 2. Fassung, Stand 2010. Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen 30 1-84.

Hauck M. 2009. Flechten und Schadstoffe. Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie 36: 83-92.

Hauck M, de Bruyn U, Wirth V, Sparrius L, Thüs H, Preußing M. 2009. New or interesting records of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi from Lower Saxony, Germany. Herzogia 22: 109-116.

Wirth V, Hauck M, de Bruyn U, Schiefelbein U, John V, Otte V. 2009. Flechten aus Deutschland mit Verbreitungsschwerpunkt im Wald. Herzogia 22: 79-107.

Türk R, John V, Hauck M (Eds.) 2008. Facetten der Flechtenforschung. Festschrift zu Ehren von Volkmar Wirth. Sauteria 15: 1-616.

Türk R, John V, Hauck M. 2008. Professor Dr. Volkmar Wirth - 65 Jahre. Sauteria 15: 11-14.

Hauck M. 2000. Ecology of epiphytic lichens in a montane spruce forest: Influence of forest dieback and forest management on chemical habitat conditions. Dissertationes Botanicae 327: 1-232.

Hauck M. 1998. Die Flechtenflora der Gemeinde Amt Neuhaus (Nordost-Niedersachsen.. Tuexenia 18: 451-461.

Hauck M. 1997. Die epiphytische Flechtenvegetation im Harz unter dem Einfluß des Menschen. Berichte der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Hannover 139: 231-238.

Hauck M. 1996. Die Flechten Niedersachsens. Bestand, Ökologie, Gefährdung und Naturschutz. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Niedersachsen 36: 1-208.

Wirth V, Schöller H, Scholz P, Ernst G, Feuerer T, Gnüchtel T, Hauck M, Jacobsen P, John V, Litterski B. 1996. Rote Liste der Flechten (Lichenes) in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 28: 307-366.

Hauck M. 1995. Epiphytische Flechtenflora ausgewählter buchen- und eichenreicher Laubalthölzer in Niedersachsen. Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen 15: 53-69. 2. edit. (Ex. 3001-4000) 1996.

Hauck M. 1995. Naturnahe Laubwaldreste im Oberharz als Reliktstandorte für gefährdete, epiphytische Flechten. Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen 15: 70-83. 2. edit. (Ex. 3001-4000) 1996.

Hauck M. 1995. Flechtenvegetation einer Eschenallee im Landkreis Hannover. Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen 15: 84-92. 2. edit. (Ex. 3001-4000) 1996.

Hauck M. 1995. Veränderungen der Flechtenflora im Raum Göttingen (Südniedersachsen). Herzogia 11: 207-218.

Hauck M. 1995. Neue und bemerkenswerte Flechten aus dem Harz. Herzogia 11: 219-223.

Ernst G, Hauck M. 1994. Die Gattung Phaeographis (Ach.) Müll. Arg. in Deutschland. Herzogia 10: 39-59.

Hauck M. 1994. Flechtenkartierung in Niedersachsen. Floristische Rundbriefe 28: 68-79.

Hauck M. 1994. Bemerkenswerte Funde von Flechten in Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt. Herzogia 10: 83-92.

Wirth, V., T. Lumbsch, P. Scholz, P. Jacobsen, M. Heklau & M. Hauck. 1994. Checkliste der Flechten und flechtenbewohnenden Pilze Deutschlands - eine Arbeitshilfe. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A 517: 1-63.

Hauck M. 1993. Pilzflora eines moosreichen Luzulo-Quercetum petraeae im Hamelner Stadtforst. Tuexenia 13: 533-539.

Hauck M. 1992. Rote Liste der gefährdeten Flechten in Niedersachsen und Bremen, 1. Fassung vom 1.1.1992. Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen 12: 1-44. 2. edit. (Ex. 5001-6500) 1994.

Hauck M. 1992. Flechtenartenschutz im Wald - Überlegungen zur naturschutzgerechten Forstwirtschaft am Beispiel Niedersachsen. Forstliche Mitteilungen 45: 482-483. Reprint in Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen 15: 93-94, 1995. 2. edit. (Ex. 3001-4000). 1996.

Hauck M. 1990. Aufruf zur Erfassung der Flechten in Niedersachsen und Bremen – Stand 1990. Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen 10: 132.


Book reviews

Hauck M. 2009. Review: Wirth, V. 2009. Rote Liste und Artenverzeichnis der Flechten Baden-Württembergs. ‒ Naturschutz-Praxis Artenschutz, Heft 13. Herzogia 22: 345.

Hauck M. 2004. Review: M. Jensen (ed.) Lichenological contributions in honour of G. B. Feige. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 86. 491 pp. J. Cramer, Berlin & Stuttgart. 2003. Bryologist 107: 593.

Hauck M (2002) Review: Krieglsteiner, G. (2001): Die Großpilze Baden-Württembergs. Band 3. Ständerpilze: Blätterpilze I. Tuexenia 22: 430.

Hauck M (1999) Review: Wöldecke, K. (1998): Die Großpilze Niedersachsens und Bremens. Tuexenia 19: 508.


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