Macroecology of Epiphytes


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    Room: W4 0-048
  • Adress
    Universität Oldenburg
    Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften
    AG Funktionelle Ökologie der Pflanzen
    26111 Oldenburg
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Macroecology of Epiphytes

Epiphytes make up a substantial proportion of global phytodiversity. We document the global patterns of epiphyte diversity, frequently in collaboration with Professor Kreft´s group in Göttingen. Large scale patterns are best analysed in research networks. EpiG-DB is a database that resulted from such a network and spans the entire Neotropics. Members are currently preparing a number of large scale analyses.

Selected publications

Taylor A, Zotz G, Weigelt P, Cai L, Karger DN, König C & Kreft H. 2022. Vascular epiphytes contribute disproportionately to global centres of plant diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 62–74.

Zotz G, Weigelt P, Kessler M, Kreft H & Taylor A. 2021. EpiList 1.0 - A global checklist of vascular epiphytes. Ecology 102: e03326.

Reimuth J & Zotz G. 2020. The biogeography of the megadiverse genus Anthurium Schott (Araceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 194: 164-176.

Mendieta Leiva G, Ramos FN, Elias JPC, Zotz G, Acuña-Tarazona M, Alvim FS, Barbosa DEF, Basílio GA, Batke SP, Benavides AM, Blum CT, Boelter CR, Carmona MJ, Carvalho LP, Rosa-Manzano Edl, Einzmann HJR, Fernández M, Furtado SG, Gasper ALd, Guzmán-Jacob V, Hietz P, Irume MV, Jiménez-López DA, Kessler M, Kreft H, Krömer T, Machado GMO, Martínez-Meléndez N, Martins PLSS, Mello RdM, Mendes AF, Neto LM, Mortara SR, Nardy C, Oliveira RdP, Pereira ACA, Pillaca L, Quaresma AC, Rodríguez Quiel C, Medina ES, Taylor A, Vega MS, Wagner K, Werneck MS, Werner FA, Wolf JHD, Zartman CE, Zuleta D & Jímenez-Alfaro B. 2020. EpIG-DB: A database of vascular epiphyte assemblages. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 518-528.

Taylor A, Weigelt P, König C, Zotz G & Kreft H. 2019. Island disharmony revisited using orchids as a model group. New Phytologist 223: 597-606.

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