Information on Procuring Resources
For subject-specific questions contact your subject department
Information on Procuring Resources
Procuring Resources through the University Library
The acquisition guidelines of the University of Oldenburg stipulate that the University Library is responsible for the acquisition (i.e. ordering, taking inventory, cataloguing and discount checking) of books, journals and audiovisual materials of all kinds.
Please contact your subject librarian regarding your requests for material.
EILT and SOFORT requests
In urgent cases you can speed up the processing of your request:
EILT requests are given priority by subject librarians and the Acquisitions Department.
Sofort requests are given absolute priority and processed immediately.
You can refer your requests to the appropriate subject librarian online and tag them with "Eilt" or "Sofort" as required.
Purchases using external funds
External funds are funds from sources other than the Library budget, such as projects or funds pledged to professors for accepting a chair or agreeing to remain in a chair. All books and material paid for with external funds must be purchased through the Library.
If you wish to set up an external funding account, please give your subject librarian the corresponding expense and transaction account numbers (Finanz- und Kostenstellen).
Setting up a Special Collection
Oldenburg University Library is a centralised library system and as such does not have branch libraries for each department or institute. If you need specific resources constantly within easy reach of your workplace, you can apply to set up a Special Collection.