

Kim Braun
Room B 221
Phone 0441 798-4025


Open Access Publication Fund

Open Access Publication Fund

With the start of NiedersachsenOpen the library will lift the APC limit for full funding of qualified open access articles to 2,500 euros (incl. VAT) for articles accepted for publication on and after March 25, 2024. APC in excess of this will be co-funded with 2,500 Euros (incl. VAT).

Who pays how much?

  • APC up to 2,500 Euros (incl. VAT) will be paid in full using DFG and library funds. The general requirements (see below) must be met.
  • APC above 2,500 Euros (incl. VAT) will be co-financed with 2,500 Euros (incl. VAT) using DFG and library funds. The general requirements (see below) must be met. The difference to the full invoiced amount must be paid by the authors.

It remains important to send a clear message to the publishers and to encourage reasonable and responsible pricing. Selecting adequate and reasonably priced journals is strongly recommended. Additionally, libraries are engaged in negotiations with the publishers.

The university library continues to pay publication charges (Publish-and-Read Fees or PAR Fees) for hybrid open access publications within so-called transformative agreements (e.g. DEAL).


To qualify for funding, the following requirements have to be met

  • The author is a member of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and
  • the author is the corresponding author,
  • a peer review guarantees the journal's articles' quality, and
  • the journal is a "pure" open-access journal, i.e. all articles are open access immediately and fully at the time of their publication.
    (Exceptions are hybrid OA publications within transformative agreements).

Be aware that all of these criteria have to be met to qualify for financial support!


In principle, APCs can be paid in two different ways:

  1. The BIS is the central-billing address for an open-access publisher (e.g. Frontiers), who sends APC invoices to the BIS. The abovementioned criteria are checked and APCs paid, if all criteria are met.
  2. Should the BIS not have any business relation with the open-access publisher, authors may submit their APC invoices to BIS. If all criteria are met, the stated amount will be paid from the fund.

For detailed information and questions feel free to contact us.

[BIS intern]   (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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