
The email address for registering your publications is

Inga Kuhlebert
Room B 1-138
Phone 0441/798-2237

Ute Manssen
Room B 1-133

Registration for the University Bibliography

Registration for the University Bibliography

All works published in print or electronic form are included in the University Bibliography:

  • Monographs, compilations, and articles in compilations.
  • Articles in scientific journals, as well as conference volumes.

Several options exist for registering your publications

  • Upload metadata and full text of your publications to /oops/, the Oldenburg Online-Publication-Server.
  • Upload only the metadata of your publications to /oops/.
  • Send your publication directly to /oops/ using SFX services.
  • If you publish a book, send a copy directly to the University Library's Documentation Office.
  • Send a list of your publications as a file to the Documentation Office. The list can be generated by a reference management programme such as EndNote.

The University Library adds works published on /oops/ to the University Bibliography.

The University Bibliography can only provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the University of Oldenburg's publishing activity if you register your publications regularly.

[BIS intern]   (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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