
ChemOL² - The Chemistry Laboratory for Pupils for SE I and II

ChemOL to the power of 2? - You are probably familiar with the ChemOL school laboratory, which has been very successful for many years in attracting primary school pupils to the University of Oldenburg to carry out child-friendly chemistry experiments in the chemistry laboratory under supervision. Now we are expanding this extracurricular place of learning in order to be able to offer young people in years 7-10 a corresponding programme.

The first three offers revolve around chemistry-related career orientation. This plays an increasingly important role in lower secondary school in order to support young people in the balancing act of making career decisions. In addition to the classic chemical professions, there are now many other interesting occupational fields with a clear chemistry connection that many people are not yet aware of. The ChemOL2 school laboratory enables young people to get to know different professions by means of job-oriented, experimentally oriented learning tasks.

  • Two offers introduce different chemistry-related environmental protection professions. On the one hand, the young people can carry out a fertiliser analysis and learn about four different professions, or they can learn about a wider range of chemistry-related professions.
  • Another offer deals with food chemistry professions.

Every spring and autumn during the lecture-free period, we offer lab days in ChemOL². If you would like to make an appointment, please send an e-mail to .

We look forward to meeting you and your classes!

The ChemOL2 team

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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