
University of Oldenburg Faculty II - Department of Computer Science Department Safety-Security-Interaction 26111 Oldenburg


Ingrid Ahlhorn

A03 2-208

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2426


Article at PST 2022

Our extension of the widely-known Zerocash cryptocurrency to allow for the auditability of transactions despite anonymity (in order to prevent money laundering) got accept at PST 2022!

Our paper „Balancing privacy and accountability in digital payment methods using zk-SNARKs” got accepted at PST 2022! In the paper, we describe an extension of the widely-known anonymous Zerocash cryptocurrency to allow for the auditability of anonymous transactions. Our approach is based in zero-knowledge proofs and enable fully anonymous transactions up until a certain amount of involved money in a certain pre-defined time period; going beyond this limit requires the inclusiong of auditable, encrypted transaction details. These details can then be decrypted by a group of „judges” (and only by those!). This allows for the prevent of certain types of money laundering.

» Publications

(Changed: 20 Aug 2024)  | 
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