Florian Herz
Florian Herz

Florian Herz
Ph.D. student
Condensed Matter Theory Group
Institut für Physik
Carl von Ossietzky Universität
D-26111 Oldenburg
room W2 2-270A
phone +49 441 798 3996
fax +49 441 798 3080
email florian.herz@uol.de

Florian Herz and Svend-Age Biehs:: Generalized coupled dipole method for thermal far-field radiation, in Phys. Rev. B 105, 205422 (2022)..
Florian Herz and Svend-Age Biehs: Revisiting the Dipole model for far-field thermal emission of a nanoparticle above a planar substrate, in Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 266, 107572 (2021).
Florian Herz, Christoph Kathmann, and Svend-Age Biehs: General trace formula for heat flux fluctuations, in Europhysics Letters 130, 44003 (2020).
Florian Herz and Svend-Age Biehs:: Green-Kubo relation for thermal radiation in non-reciprocal systems , in Europhysics Letters 127, 4 (2019).
Florian Herz, Zhenghua An, Susumu Komiyama, and Svend-Age Biehs: Revisiting the Dipole Model for a Thermal Infrared Near-Field Spectroscope, in Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 044051 (2018).
Revisiting the Dipole Model for a Thermal Infrared Near-Field Spectroscope,
DPG Spring meeting,
March 2019, Regensburg, Germany
Generalized coupled dipole method for thermal far-field radiation,
Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VII conference,
June 2022, Palermo, Italy
Green-Kubo relation for thermal radiation in non-reciprocal systems,
E-MRS Fall meeting,
September 2019, Warsaw, Poland
Dipole model for far-field thermal emission of a nanoparticle above a planar substrate,
DPG Spring meeting,
March 2021, online
Generalized coupled dipole method for thermal far-field radiation,
MONACOSTE summer school,
May 2022, Fréjus, France
Master Thesis
Untersuchungen zur Green-Kubo-Relation für Wärmestrahlung im Nah- und Fernfeld im Rahmen der makroskopischen Quantenelektrodynamik
(Oldenburg, August 2019, supervisors: PD Dr. S.-A. Biehs and Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus)
Bachelor Thesis
Wärmeabstrahlung eines Nanoteilchens oberhalb eines dielektrischen Substrats
(Oldenburg, October 2017, supervisors: PD Dr. S.-A. Biehs and Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus)