Wind Energy Systems
Wind Energy Systems
Welcome to the research group Wind Energy Systems
We focus on the interaction of wind energy systems (i.e. wind farms, wind turbines and their components) with the physical environment and the electrical grid. Our mission is to transfer basic knowledge on wind physics to the design and operation of on- and offshore wind farms to provide more cost-effective, reliable and grid-friendly wind power.
Our research is characterized by experimental investigations on real plants in the open field and with model turbines in the wind tunnel. We interlink our test results with complex numerical simulations. For this purpose, our team explores the atmospheric boundary layer and flow in wind farms with laser-optical measurement techniques, develops and tests new control concepts for wind turbines and wind farms, and optimizes their operation by monitoring.
Our lectures and courses are taught in English and cover the topics Experimental Physics I - Mechanics, Introduction to Renewable Energies, Design of Wind Farms in the undergraduate curriculum and Design and Control of Wind Energy Systems as well as lab courses and internships in the master phase.
Our research group was established in 2010 as an endowed professorship funded by EWE AG and EnBW AG through the appointment of Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn. The internationally oriented group is part of the wind physics cluster within ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research and the Research Alliance Wind Energy (FVWE) of ForWind, Fraunhofer IWES and DLR. We are involved in numerous national and international joint research projects with academic and industrial partners.