Quantum Materials
Quantum Materials

QMat was created in July 2020 in the University of Oldenburg. Our aim is to research on novel quantum materials to exploit their advantages when interfaced with engineered states of light. One central focus is the investigation of the physics and optical properties of novel two-dimensional materials and van-der-Waals Heterostructures. In those materials, we study many-body effects and light-matter coupling phenomena, including Bose-Einstein Condensation, superfluidity, topological phenomena and single photon emission.
Physics highlight: Infrared Magneto-polaritons in MoTe2 Monolayers and Bilayers
Our team (Quantum Materials, IfP) encountered the infrared magneto-polaritons in the material MoTe2: A coherent mixture of light quanta and excitation in the material.
Our result may have implication on future quantum technology developments in light-matter coupled systems.
Bo Han, Jamie M. Fitzgerald, Lukas Lackner, Roberto Rosati, Martin Esmann, Falk Eilenberger, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Marcin Syperek, Ermin Malic, and Christian Schneider. Physical Review Letters, 134, 076902 (2022). Editors‘ Suggestion.