
University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Avila
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5070
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Fundamentals of Turbulence and Complex Systems

Welcome to the TuCS Group: Fundamentals of Turbulence and Complex Systems

We aim at elucidating key mechanisms underlying complex fluid flow dynamics. Inspired by engineering applications, we do fundamental research to advance the state of the art. We set up high-precision experiments and carry out measurement campaigns and data analysis guided by dynamical-systems approaches. This helps us untangle complex, strongly nonlinear phenomena.

Our measurements involve time and cost-efficient methods to explore parameter dependencies and state-of-the-art optical methods to obtain detailed information, for example, of fluid-structure-interactions. We are happy, when our results inspire theoreticians to develop new models (turbulence transition in pipe flow), or when our experimental data are used directly in data-driven approaches (predicting the nonlinear response curves of sloshing in tanks).

Seeking Students

Our group was established in March 2023 and we are looking for Bachelor and Master Students, either to do their thesis or to help as a student assistant. We offer exciting possibilities and in the past students under my supervision received prizes. Please contact , if you are interested.

Research Topics

Our group investigates the rise of flow instabilities, the onset and expansion of turbulence, fluid-structure interactions and resonances. The studied flow systems are rather broad reaching from wind turbines over sloshing fluids in tanks to e.g., particle-laden flows in pipes.

Focal points of our group are:

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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