

Members of our working group Biology of Geological Processes teach in different study programs of the ICBM and the University Oldenburg focussing on aquatic and microbial ecology, for example Environmental Sciences (B.SC.), Marine Environmental Sciences (M.SC.), Microbiology (M.SC.) and Biology (B.SC., M.SC.).

The following topics are taught by lectures (L), practical courses (P), excursions (EX) and seminars:

  • Biological oceanography (L, P, EX)
  • Microbiology (L)
  • Eucaryotic microorganisms und viruses (L)
  • Ecology of marine microorganisms (L, P)
  • Methods in aquatic microbial ecology (L, P)
  • Intrduction into sequencing analysis (P)
  • (marine) Environmental sciences (L)
  • Protection of aquatic systems (L, EX)

For further detailed information on content, requirements of participation, credit points of single modules or lectures please use above mentioned links to respective degree courses or visit the E-Learning Portal Stud.IP of the university. Here you find additional informations, e.g. lecture notes and documentations to current lectures and practical courses.

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