The PhD Research Training Group EcoMol - Scientific Education

The scientific world requires highly qualified young scientists. The PhD Research Training Group EcoMol (The ecology of molecules) supports the education of the PhD students through providing an excellent research environment and offering introductory and advanced training courses.

The comprehensive concept improves the qualifications of the doctoral students and facilitates their development into leading researchers of the future. Doctoral candidates will be prepared for taking over leading positions in research, management and policy, technology development, or consulting and education.

The aims of the Research Training Group (RTG) are to

  • develop profound disciplinary knowledge and foster interdisciplinary thinking,
  • apply knowledge to practice,
  • build a strong personal career profile by defining professional goals and obtaining a broad range of work related transferable skills.
  • support the formation of networks with experts,
  • foster international awareness and visibility,

To achieve these goals

  • all PhD candidates will be supervised by thesis committees
  • the RTG offers of a specific course programme for doctoral candidates
  • all students get access to the unique and state of the art research infrastructure at ICBM

Cornerstones of the doctoral education in EcoMol are the monthly seminars, the EcoMol specific scientific lectures and the courses in the accompanying OLTECH graduate school.

Multidisciplinary EcoMol Seminar

Within the monthly and obligatory EcoMol seminar  PhD candidates introduce their research questions and topics to the group (doctoral candidates, PIs and associate members). The seminar is the occassion to report and discuss recent findings with experts from different disciplines. This does not only help the PhD candidates in the interpretation and classification of their results, but as well serves as an excellent training ground for presentation and communication skills. Each seminar session isorganized and moderated by two of the doctoral candidates.

The seminar is usually succeeded by an informal get together.

EcoMol Scientific Lectures

The obligatory EcoMol scienctific lectures shall give a deeper insight into the diverse research fields of all working groups.  They contain topics for example organic chemistry, molecular diversity of dissolved organic matter, the measurement of optical fingerprints of DOM, bacteria and viruses in sediments, temporal and spatial scaling in ecology or biofilm like properties of the ocean surface.

The following EcoMol lectures had been offered by the PhD Research Training Group for the summer and winter term 2017/18.

(1) OLTECH - Specialised scientific knowledge courses:

Building on basic knowledge and skills, specific knowledge courses aim to provide a deeper insight into a topic or research field by providing expert knowledge. In these courses, PhD students broaden and deepen their scientific knowledge in the context of their field of research and acquire the necessary skills to perform their laboratory work. PhD Students take an active part in colloquia, congresses, summer schools and lab visits abroad.

(2) OLTECH - Communicative competences

PhD candidates are trained in communication and presentation techniques and improve their expertise in knowledge transfer.

(3) OLTECH - Interdisciplinary competences, transferable skills, soft skills:

PhD candidates can develop strategies and expertise for their scientific career. Main topics are, amongst others, data management and statistics, project management, scientific writing, scientific publishing, writing proposals for grants and funds, career trainings, mentoring, and networking.

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