Graduate Symposium 2014 Spekaer

Dr. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Scientific Coordinator of Early Career Researchers (doctoral and postdoctoral researchers) of the ICBM

Coordination of the PhD program 'Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity' and of ICBM-Alumni network

Managing director of the Graduate School Science, Medicine and Technology (OLTECH)


Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM)
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
26129 Oldenburg, GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)441 / 798-3171

Office: W15 0-031

Graduate Symposium 2014 Spekaer

Graduate Symposium 2014 Invited Speaker

Programme and Profile of Speakers Graduate Symposium 2014

Spea­ker Busi­ness Com­pa­ny / In­sti­tu­ti­on
Barbara Hoffbauer Professional Orientation for Marine & Climate Scientists"
Barbara Hoffbauer, KE­POS GmbH
Barbara Abrell Sci­ence and Cor­po­ra­te Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on / jour­na­lism Max Planck So­cie­ty
Dr. Ulrich Alt-Epping En­er­gy sec­tor (oil and gas pro­duc­tion)

Win­ters­hall Hol­ding GmbH, Barn­storf

Dr. Solveig Bühring Post­doc / re­se­arch group lea­der MARUM - Cen­ter for Ma­ri­ne En­vi­ron­men­tal Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men
Dr. Jochen Dirksmeyer Off­shore wind en­er­gy

wpd off­shore so­lu­ti­ons GmbH

Johannes Fesefeldt Hu­man re­sour­ce ma­nage­ment Deut­sche Ge­sell­schaft für Per­so­nal­we­sen e.V.
Dr. Dennis Fink

Sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on /
busi­ness start-up

me­di­o­mix GmbH (Me­dia agan­cy for sci­en­tists)

Dr. Michael Fischer
Con­sul­ting, en­gi­nee­ring FIEL­AX Ge­sell­schaft für wis­sen­schaft­li­che Da­ten­ver­ar­bei­tung mbh
Dr. Tilman Hesse NGO / re­se­arch con­sul­tan­cy Öko-In­sti­tut e.V. / In­sti­tu­te for Ap­p­lied Eco­lo­gy
Florian Maaß En­er­gy sec­tor / hu­man re­sour­ce ma­nage­ment EWE AG - Per­son­nel de­ve­lop­ment
Dr. Iris Menn NGO Green­peace (for­mer­ly) / Chris­ti­an Blind Mis­si­on (cur­rent­ly)
Dr. Tanja Michler-Cieluch Sci­ence ma­nage­ment Gra­dua­te Aca­de­my of Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­tät Han­no­ver
Dr. Gesa-Meike Muhr Sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and ser­vices

NI­VEA, Bei­ers­dorf AG

Dr. Judith Neumann Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on / ci­vil ser­vice Fe­deral Mi­nis­try for the En­vi­ron­ment, Na­tu­re Con­ser­va­ti­on, Buil­ding and Nu­cle­ar Safe­ty (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit)
Dr. Ute Schadek En­vi­ron­men­tal plan­ning (on- and off­shore) Pla­nungs­grup­pe grün Gmbh
Dr. Detlev Suckau In­stru­ment ma­nu­fac­tu­rers Bru­ker Dal­to­nics
Dr. Bettina Taylor

En­vi­ron­men­tal NGO, ma­ri­ne con­ser­va­ti­on

BUND e.V. Bre­men

Dr. André Wischmeyer
In­tel­lec­tu­al pro­per­ty Bus­se & Bus­se, Pa­tent- und Rechts­an­wäl­te, Os­na­brück (pa­tent agents and la­wy­ers)
Dr. Chris Andre Würdemann Qua­li­ty tes­ting and cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on In­ter­tek GmbH, Busi­ness Life Sci­en­ces,Di­rec­tor, La­bo­ra­to­ry Sys­tems
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