
Dr Ferdinand Esser, MBA Academic Coordinator for researchers in early career phases (doctoral students and postdocs) at the ICBM Coordinator of the doctoral degree programme "Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity Coordinator of the ICBM Alumni Network, Alumni Representative Management and coordination of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology(OLTECH)
University of Oldenburg Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) Carl von Ossietzky Straße 9-11 26129 Oldenburg, GERMANY
Dr Ferdinand Esser will listen to you, advise you and put you in touch with an ombudsperson. He will treat your concerns confidentially and will only involve other persons if you agree to this.
Ombudspersons of the University
... are low-threshold contacts for all students and employees of the University of Oldenburg and help to clarify intercultural and other misunderstandings at an early stage, mediate experts in conflict resolution and thus ensure a positive working atmosphere.
Good Scientific Practice
Good Scientific Practice

Good scientific practice is the overall prerequisite for research and teaching. Its goal should be a self-critical attitude towards the obtained scientific results. The exact observance of discipline-specific rules for dealing with sources and data must be consistently adhered to. External and own preliminary work must be completely and correctly accounted for.
Principles of good academic practice at the University of Oldenburg
Scientific work at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is governed by the Guidelines ofgood scientific practice of05.10.2022 (Guidelines of good scientific practice, English version), drawn up by the Investigation Commission for Scientific and Artistic Misconduct, which take up the recommendations of the German Research Foundation of 1998.
If scientific misconduct is suspected, a procedure is initiated; the contact persons are the Chairs of the Ethics Committee.
Guidelines to Ensure Good Academic Practice of the German Research Foundation (DFG) 2019
Quality assurance
- Design of doctoral studies in the German science system Position paper WR 2023
- Requirements for the Quality Assurance of Doctoral Studies Position Paper WR 2011
- Recommendations on scientific integrity Position paper WR 2015
Recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Recommendations on good academic practice
WORKSHOP "Good Scientific Practice - Protecting Scientific Integrity"
The main objective of the workshop "Good Scientific Practice - Protecting Scientific Integrity" is to learn the basic rules and values for responsible research at all stages of doctoral studies according to local, national and international regulations and guidelines. Participants explore the differences and grey areas between good scientific practice, questionable research practice and scientific misconduct. They learn how misconduct can be identified and prevented, how it should be dealt with and what damage it can do if not handled properly.
Further information can be found here
e-Learning Course "Good Academic Practice in Doctoral Studies
Good Research Practices during the Doctorate
How should research results be documented? What is the right way to cite? How does one handle image sources? Answers to questions about correct scientific work practices are provided in the eLearning course "Good Research Practice during Doctoral Studies" that is available in German and English language. GRADE, the (post)graduate academy of Goethe University, has designed this course, which has won prizes by now, to be interdisciplinary and has made it available to the University of Oldenburg and its doctoral candidates among others