Supervision Agreement

Supervision agreements have become established internationally as a standard of quality in doctoral training. They allow doctoral candidates to set out mutual expectations in a transparent form, formulate goals and check whether those goals are met. All doctoral candidates at the Graduate School OLTECH enter into a supervision agreement with their supervisor.

The supervision agreement is not a binding contract, but rather a document that – in the spirit of a freely undertaken pledge – provides guidance and demands a commitment.

Checklist first steps from applying to the admission to doctoral studies

Checklist (engl)

Checkliste (german)

Application / Enrolment

Application / Enrolment

The PhD program offers the opportunity for young scientists to deepen their knowledge in the fields of environmental science, ecology and systems research in oceans, coastal zones and terrestrial areas.

Prerequisite for the enrolment in the PhD program "Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity" at the Carl von Ossietzky University is the admission as a doctoral fellow in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Find yourself an academic supervisor, who can be any professor at the University of Oldenburg from your field of interest. The research areas that are included in our programme the PhD program "Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity” are to be found on the ICBM website.

Here you find all working groups of the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM).

When writing to a professor from the chosen research area state:

  1. What you want to research and a detailed description of the topic
  2. Why you want to research this particular area
  3. Why are you particularly suited for research on this particular topic
  4. Include a copy of your CV

You must first apply for the admission as doctorate student according to the regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences.

Applicants for the Graduate School and the PhD programs must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree, Diploma degree, a State Exam, 'Magister' or equivalent in biology, physics, psychology, informatics or related subjects to the topics of research. Candidates should have good English language skills.

The next application deadline is: 1st March and 1st September

By this application you apply for the Graduate School and the PhD Program in one single step. Application forms you will find at the Oltech webpage.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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