Are you interessted?

We accept 25 students for this module. Due to the amount of time required for acquisition and individual coaching, we unfortunately have to limit places.

At the same time, we need a high degree of planning security for ourselves and our practice partners. Would you like to secure a place early? Then send an email to in advance and briefly explain what motivates you to take part in Sustainable Venturing.

Module Sustainable Venturing


Enrolment via Stud.IP is expected to be possible from 7 September 2024.

A further information event, in which the practice partners and challenges will also be presented, will take place online on 24 September 2024, 14:00 - 15:00.

Content and learning objectives

Responsible: Prof. Dr. Klaus Fichter, Anne Seela, Nina Heiting

Target Group: Mastercourses Master Management (Specialisation Corporate Management + Sustainability Management) & SEM (Supplementary module),  Master Business Informatics (accentuation module)


This module is intended for students interested in start-ups and innovative solutions in the field of sustainable economics.

The main focus of the Sustainable Venturing module is to develop entrepreneurial competencies for the realisation of environmental innovations and sustainable business models. Guided by the lecturers, participants will work together with selected regional business partners who are both economically successful and contribute to the protection of the environment and the climate, to promote sustainable start-up concepts, including:

  • the ability to identify new solution needs in the context of sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations,
  • knowledge and skills of sustainability-oriented idea generation and evaluation,
  • knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial development and implementation of innovative solutions,
  • knowledge and skills to systematically link economic (Eco-nomical) and ecological (Eco-logical) objectives as well as
  • the ability to strategically develop "green" business areas and markets.

The entrepreneurial development and implementation of environmental innovations can refer to the foundation of new companies and organizations as well as to the development of new solutions and business ideas within established companies and organizations (Corporate Venturing).


Business partners

To be announced!                                      



Following sessions are part of the module:

22.10.2024 Kick-off together with practice partners 09:00 – 17:45 on campus


Input session: selected tools and methods of sustainable business model development, individual project work, coaching 10:00 – 12:00 online
12.11.2024 International Student Forum: Learning Reflection 10:15-11:45 online
19.11. + 03.12.2024 Input session: selected tools and methods of sustainable business model development, individual project work, coaching 14:15-17:45 online

International Student Forum: Learning Reflection

10:00 – 12:00 online

Interim presentation


on campus

11.02.2025 Final Presentation 09:00-18:00 on campus
31.03.2025 Abgabe Projektbericht bis 24:00  


Assessment: Final presentation and project report (group work)

All changes will be announced on Stud.IP only!

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