Julia Jaspers

Head of Group

Julia Jaspers


Research focus

  • Corporate Sustainability
  • Organizational Dynamics / Organizational Development
  • Co-determination

Julia Jaspers joined the Management Research Group as an external PhD candidate in May 2021. Since 2002, she has been working in the fields of Corporate Sustainability, Human Resources and Organizational Development, currently as agile leader for Digital Rail Germany at Deutsche Bahn AG. She is currently involved in setting up the PeerSchool for Sustainable Development e.V., a learning network for sustainability managers from companies and academia.

Between 1996 and 2002, she studied comparative political science and Romance studies at the Universities of Münster and Paris (Sorbonne Nouvelle), supported by scholarships from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service.

Her research interests lie in the sustainability transformation of companies. In her dissertation, she examines the role of co-determination and the interplay between sustainability and corporate organization to derive implications for companies and social partners.

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