Academic Counseling

Dr. Thomas Badewien
(Vertretung der Professur Marine Sensorik)
Marine Sensors (M.Sc.)
Facts and Figures
- Degree: Master of Science
- Duration: 3 semesters
- Start of studies: annually in the summer semester, if necessary bridging semester in the previous winter semester
- Language: German and English
- No admission restriction, but special admission requirements
The master's degree in marine sensors offers a research-oriented qualification in the development, optimization and analysis of various types of sensors and measurement methods for marine issues. In the courses, functional principles of different sensor types, mathematical-scientific measurement methods and information-technological models for data acquisition and storage are dealt with. Special emphasis is placed on scientific work. Here, the students should meet international scientists at an early stage. Furthermore, there are excellent opportunities to specialize in certain measurement methods and to carry out research projects independently.
- Knowledge of mathematics, electrical engineering and at least one other relevant subject in marine engineering (material construction, manufacturing, embedded systems, IT, measurement and control technology, etc.)
- Broad interest in the marine ecosystems of the oceans and coastal seas
- Interest in computer applications
- Interest in understanding complex relationships
- Excellent communication skills and willingness to work in a team
- English language skills
Careers and Areas of Deployment
Professional qualification
The master’s degree course Marine Sensors offers a research-oriented qualification in the development, optimization and analysis of sensors and measurement methods for marine issues. After successful completion, the graduates are qualified to independently work on complex issues in the field of marine sensors and thus serve an important interface between science and measurement technology. The contact with national and international employees from the fields of research and industry, which is envisaged early while the course of studies, also enables graduates to work in teams and to communicate the principles and results of their own research.
Fields of activity
The tasks are diverse and include the independent implementation of research and development work in research facilities, the management of development teams, the implementation of observation systems, the adaptation of measurement methods for explorations, science management or advising end customers and users. Possible fields of employment arise in research institutions, authorities, companies in sensor and system technology, consulting and sales companies as well as companies in the field of offshore raw material and energy production.
Further qualification in the form of a doctorate is possible with the corresponding suitability. Projects with appropriate questions are carried out by selected working groups of the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment and cooperation partners such as the German marine research institutions in Bremerhaven, Bremen, Kiel and Rostock or international partners such as University Aberdeen (Imaging), UTM / CSIC Barcelona (Environmental Sensors), University Strathclyde (Marine Optics), IRIS Stavanger (Bio-Sensors), MCI University of Southern Denmark (Robotics).