
Head of division

 Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz

 +49 441 798 - 3832

 +49 441 798 - 3902



Angelika Koops

 +49 441 798 - 3495


Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg 
Fakultät VI - Department für Medizinische Physik und Akustik
Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz
26111 Oldenburg

How to find us


Head of division

 Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz

 +49 441 798 - 3832

 +49 441 798 - 3902



Map and Directions

Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Küpkersweg 74
D-26111 Oldenburg

BSc and MSc theses / Internships

Section for Physiology and Modeling of Auditory Perception

Are you interested in writing a bachelor or master thesis? We offer BSc and MSc thesis topics for students from the Neuroscience, Hearing Technology and Audiology, Physics, Engineering and Medicine (PTM), Physics, Engineering Physics, and Mathemathics programmes. The primary prerequisite for an MSc thesis in our lab is a good command of signal processing and systems theory.

Do you want to do a project in our group and have not found a topic yet? Just contact or any other group member!


Current theses

Type Student Topic
MSc Janique Reinwaldt Predicting individual benefits of binaural beamformers


Anna-Lena Reinsch Fast measures of loudness

Finished theses

Year Student


2024 Mira Richts Relationship between neural excitation patterns and the
perception of interaural time differences with bilateral cochlear


Carlotta Wall Comparison of the contribution of the 500 Hz frequency band to binaural unmasking of speech and of tones
2023 Alina Kleinow Einfluss der Geräteverzögerungsfehlanpassung auf die
Lokalisationsfähigkeit bei bimodalen CI-Trägern
2023 Swantje Hansen Cortical Auditory Potentials Evoked by Changes in Interaural Phase Difference
2023 Helen Kasim The Effects of Independent Automatic Gain Control on Spatial Hearing of Individual Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users: Computational Modeling and Psychoacoustic Experiments


Natalie Brüggemann Measuring the Binaural Interaction Component with Interaurally Antiphasic Chirp Stimuli
2022 Paul Viggo Hinze

Modelling binaural hearing with a shot noise- and a conductance-based model using different synaptic inputs


Timur Divanoglu Lateralization at the upper frequency limit of interaural phase difference sensitivity
2022 Anna-Lena Reinsch Auditory model-steered diagnostics: An experimental proof of concept
2021 Marten Jürgens

Altersabhängigkeit der Wahrnehmung verschiedener interauraler Unterschiede

2020 Jakob Dießel

The Effect of Compression Parameters on Monaural and Binaural Objective and Subjective Measurements (Bachelor Thesis)

2020 Lea Jung Comparison of different measurement techniques for tonotopic matching between left and right cochlear implants (Master Thesis)
2019 Helen Heinermann The frequency limit of interaural phase difference perception: Behavioral data and modeling (Master Thesis)
2019 Kristin Isabel Bracklo Dependence of binaural masking thresholds on bandwidth and interaural time delay (Master Thesis)
2018 Lisa Schmors Modeling Sound Lateralization Based on Interaural Time Differences Using Spiking Neural Networks (Master Thesis)
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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