Simulated Patients

Simulated Patients

In the fourth year of study, theoretical-practical teaching at the university alternates with block practicals. In addition to the professional training, communication between doctor and patient is a major focus. In the communication curriculum, students learn how to conduct a good patient conversation, mostly in a GP practice setting. In these practice conversations, however, they do not sit across from real patients, but communicate with patients who are acting. In conversation with them, the students learn how to conduct a meaningful anamnesis, make a correct diagnosis and make a suitable therapy suggestion.

The drama patients prepare for the case with the help of a script and are specially trained for their assignments so that they can not only realistically portray their case of illness, but also bring their psychosocial background into their portrayal, which also exists with every patient in later professional life. The communicative challenges in the doctor-patient talks range from "dealing with difficult patients" to "breaking bad news".

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