
Student Council of Physics

+49 441 798 3476 (during the meetings)

W02 1-161

Social media



Student council meeting

Date for summer term 2024

Every second Tuesday, 2 pm – 4 pm (during the semester break)

W02 1-161

Data Security

When using this site, no personal data is collected by the student council of physics. Exceptions are individual registration forms, which are marked with corresponding data protection notices.


Student Council of Physics


We are the physics student council – students of all areas of physics. We represent the student interests of all physics study programmes and take care of your concerns.

If you have any quenstions or problems, contact us at any time – we will be happy to help you.


Upcoming Events

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendarize//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-pub-abend-20241001 DTSTAMP:20240924T214747Z DTSTART:20241001T170000Z SUMMARY:Pub evening DESCRIPTION:The pub evenings will take place monthly on every first tuesda y\, of course at our favorite downtown pub\, “The Pub” on Wallstraße. Whoever likes evenings with nice people\, good food\, and beer shall join us! We're happy about everyone who comes. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The pub evenings will take place monthly o n every first tuesday\, of course at our favorite downtown pub\, “The Pu b” on Wallstraße. Whoever likes evenings with nice people\, good food\, and beer shall join us! We're happy about everyone who comes.

LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-pub-abend-20241105 DTSTAMP:20240924T214747Z DTSTART:20241105T180000Z SUMMARY:Pub evening DESCRIPTION:The pub evenings will take place monthly on every first tuesda y\, of course at our favorite downtown pub\, “The Pub” on Wallstraße. Whoever likes evenings with nice people\, good food\, and beer shall join us! We're happy about everyone who comes. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The pub evenings will take place monthly o n every first tuesday\, of course at our favorite downtown pub\, “The Pu b” on Wallstraße. Whoever likes evenings with nice people\, good food\, and beer shall join us! We're happy about everyone who comes.

LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-pub-abend-20241203 DTSTAMP:20240924T214747Z DTSTART:20241203T180000Z SUMMARY:Pub evening DESCRIPTION:The pub evenings will take place monthly on every first tuesda y\, of course at our favorite downtown pub\, “The Pub” on Wallstraße. Whoever likes evenings with nice people\, good food\, and beer shall join us! We're happy about everyone who comes. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The pub evenings will take place monthly o n every first tuesday\, of course at our favorite downtown pub\, “The Pu b” on Wallstraße. Whoever likes evenings with nice people\, good food\, and beer shall join us! We're happy about everyone who comes.

(Changed: 14 Jul 2024)  | 
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