Wolfram Wingerath
Wolfram Wingerath
- Since 2022 03: University of Oldenburg (Professor for Data Science)
- 2018 01 – 2022 02: Baqend GmbH (Head of Data Engineering & Research)
- 2012 12 – 2017 12: University of Hamburg (Research Assistant at DBIS, Norbert Ritter)
- 2019 05: Dr. rer. nat. Computer Science at the University of Hamburg: Scalable Push-Based Real-Time Queries on Top of Pull-Based Databases
- 2012 11: M. Sc. Computer Science at the University of Hamburg: Evaluation of Tuple Matching Methods on Generated Probabilistic Data
- 2010 11: B. Sc. Computer Science at the University of Hamburg: Search-Space Reduction Techniques for Duplicate Detection in Probabilistic Data
Selected Talks
- CodeTalks 2024 in Hamburg, Germany: Most of the Time It Works Every Time: The Mindset Behind Using Probabilistic Data Structures (Slides )
- Techcamp 2024 in Hamburg, Germany: Most of the Time It Works Every Time: The Mindset Behind Using Probabilistic Data Structures (Slides )
- Invited Talk at KJC (online) (Kristu Jayanti College, UOL Partner Institution): Big Data Analytics at Scale: Designing Complex Data Pipelines for Continuous Insights
- DBDC 2023 in Munich, Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): Data Validation at Scale: Managing Data Quality in Complex Data Pipelines
- CodeTalks 2023 in Hamburg, Germany: Data Validation at Scale: Managing Data Quality in Complex Data Pipelines (Slides , Website )
- Web Performance Meetup (2023) in Hamburg, Germany: Data Validation at Scale: Managing Data Quality in Complex Data Pipelines (Slides , Website )
- CodeTalks 2023 in Hamburg, Germany: Data Validation at Scale: Managing Data Quality in Complex Data Pipelines (Slides , Website )
- IGER 2023 in Bamberg, Germany: What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2023 (Slides , Website )
- BTW 2023 in Dresden, Germany: What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2023 (Slides )
- Techcamp 2023 in Hamburg, Germany: What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2023 (Slides )
- DBDC 2022 (online), Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): Ontologies in the Semantic Web: An Introduction to Knowledge Modeling & Sharing Let’s Agree to Disagree: Why Google’s CrUX Results Are Not Reproducible With Your Real-User Monitoring
- CodeTalks 2022 in Hamburg, Germany: What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2022 (Slides ) Let's Agree to Disagree: Why Google’s CrUX Results Are Not Reproducible With Your Real-User Monitoring (Slides )
- Techcamp 2022 in Hamburg, Germany: Batching was Yesterday: Real-Time Tracking & Analysis For 100+ Million Visitors (Slides )
- Informatik 2022 in Hamburg, Germany: Panel: Mehr Frauen in die Informatik! Impulsvortrag: Handsfree Coding als Chance für die Informatik (Slides )
- UHH Computer Science Colloquium 2022 (online): Scalable and Fast Cloud Data Management
- DBDC 2021 (online), Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2021
- BIFOLD Colloquium 2021 (online): Scalable and Fast Cloud Data Management
- Flink Forward Global 2021 (online): Batching was Yesterday! Real-Time Tracking For 100+ Million Visitors (Abstract )
- Informatik 2021 in Berlin, Germany: Panel Discussion: Mensch-Technik-Interaktion für eine digitale Souveränität
- CodeTalks 2021 in Hamburg, Germany: Batching was Yesterday! Real-Time Tracking For 100+ Million Visitors What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2021
- WWW 2021 in Ljubljana, Slovenia (The Web Conference 2021): Going for Speed: Full-Stack Performance Engineering in Modern Web-Based Applications (Handout , Slides , Videos )
- ARIC Hamburg Remote Brown Bag Sessions 2021, Hamburg (online), Germany: What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2021
- DBDC 2020 (online), Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): Not Your Father's Data Stack: Batch-Free Tracking & Analytics for 100+ Million Users
- AWS Webinar 2020 (online): Batching was Yesterday! Real-Time Tracking For 100+ Million Visitors
- RWTH Aachen, Germany (guest lecture in the software engineering course): What You Say is What You Get: Handsfree Coding in 2021
- VLDB 2020 in Tokyo, Japan (46th International Conference on Very Large Databases): InvaliDB: Scalable Push-Based Real-Time Queries on Top of Pull-Based Databases (Extended) (Paper )
- ICDE 2020 in Dallas, Texas/USA (36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering): Speed Kit: A Polyglot & GDPR-Compliant Approach For Caching Personalized Content (Paper ) InvaliDB: Scalable Push-Based Real-Time Queries on Top of Pull-Based Databases (Paper )
- ARIC Hamburg Remote Brown Bag Sessions 2020, Hamburg (online), Germany: Tracking & Analyzing User Behavior for Online Performance Optimization
- NoSQL Workshop 2020 in Hamburg, Germany: Mobile Site Speed and the Impact on E-Commerce
- DBDC 2019 in Munich, Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): Scalable Push-Based Real-Time Queries on Top of Pull-Based Databases
- CodeTalks 2019 in Hamburg, Germany: Big Data Analytics With AWS Athena (Abstract , Slides ) Panel Discussion: GDPR – Who Cares?
- BTW 2019 in Rostock, Germany (18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme): NoSQL & Real-Time Data Management in Research & Practice (Paper )
- DBDC 2018 in Munich, Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): Datenstromverarbeitung in Forschung & Praxis
- SCDM at Big Data 2018, Seattle, Washington/USA (7th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management): Push vs. Pull: The Future of Real-Time Databases in the Cloud
- Techcamp 2018 in Hamburg, Germany: Scalable Stream Explained: Surveying Storm, Samza, Spark & Flink
- CodeTalks 2018 in Hamburg, Germany: Real-Time Processing Explained: A Survey of Storm, Samza, Spark & Flink
- EDBT 2018 in Vienna, Austria (21st International Conference on Extending Database Technology): Real-Time Data Management for Big Data (Paper )
- DBDC 2017 in Munich, Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): Real-Time Databases: Datenbanken mit automatischer Ergebnisaktualisierung
- Data Science Meetup (2017) in Hamburg, Germany: Real-Time Databases Explained: Why Meteor, RethinkDB, Parse and Firebase Don't Scale (Slides )
- CodeTalks 2017 in Hamburg, Germany: Real-Time Databases Explained: Why Meteor, RethinkDB, Parse & Firebase Don't Scale
- VLDB 2017 in Munich, Germany (43rd International Conference on Very Large Databases): Quaestor: Query Web Caching for Database-as-a-Service Providers (Paper )
- BTW 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany (17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme): Scalable Data Management: An In-Depth Tutorial on NoSQL Data Stores (Paper , Slides )
- SCDM at BTW 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany (5th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management): The Case For Change Notifications in Pull-Based Databases (Paper ) Coordinated Omission in NoSQL Database Benchmarking (Paper )
- DBDC 2016 in Munich, Germany (Fujitsu NEXT Arbeitskreis Database / Data Communication Systems): Aktuelle Datenbanktechnologien in Theorie und Praxis
- 12min.IOT (2016) in Hamburg, Germany: Real-Time Queries in Baqend (Slides )
- BTW 2015 in Hamburg, Germany (16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme): Who Watches the Watchmen? On the Lack of Validation in NoSQL Benchmarking (Paper )
- DMC at Informatik 2014 in Stuttgart, Germany (Workshop on Data Management in the Cloud at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computer Science)>: NoSQL OLTP Benchmarking: A Survey (Paper )
Organization of Events & Editorial Roles
- Organizer of the BTW 2025 Data Science Challenge, 21. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs (DBIS)
- Member of "Datenbank-Spektrum" Editorial Board since 2023, official GI journal (Databases & Information Retrieval groups)
- Program co-chair of 8th-12th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management (SCDM)
- Program co-chair of GISP Workshop 2022, 1st GI Startup Platform Community Get Together
- Co-organizer of BTW 2015, 16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs (DBIS)
Program Committee Memberships
- PC Member of EDBT 2025, 28th International Conference on Extending Database Technology
- PC Member of BTW 2025, 21. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs (DBIS)
- PC Member of EDBT 2024, 27th International Conference on Extending Database Technology
- PC Member of VLDB 2023 Industrial Track, 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
- PC Member of EDBT 2023, 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology
- PC Member of BTW 2023, 20. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs (DBIS)
- PC Member of Big Data 2023, IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- PC Member of SoCC 2023, 14th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing
- PC Member of ICMLA 2023, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications
- PC Member of SIGMOD 2022 Industrial Track, International Conference on Management of Data 2022
- PC Member of ICDE 2022 Research Track, 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
- PC Member of Big Data 2022, IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- PC Member of ICMLA 2022, 21st IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications
- PC Member of VLDB 2021 Industrial Track, 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
- PC Member of SIGMOD 2021, International Conference on Management of Data 2021
- PC Member of EDBT 2021, 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology
- PC Member of BTW 2021, 19. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs (DBIS)
- PC Member of Big Data 2021, IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- PC Member of ICMLA 2021, 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications
- PC Member of VLDB 2020 Industrial Track, 46th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
- PC Member of DSS 2020, 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems
- PC Member of CoMoNoS 2020, 1st Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for NoSQL Data Stores
- PC Member of DBTest 2020, 8th International Workshop on Testing Database Systems
- PC Member of DSS 2020, 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems
Journal Reviews
- Cluster Computing: Journal of Networks, Software Tools & Applications (Springer, 2023)
- Open Journal of the Computer Society (IEEE, 2022)
- International Journal of Technology Management (Inderscience Publishers, 2021)
- Big Data Research 2020, Journal des Elsevier-Verlags
- Information Systems 2019, Journal des Elsevier-Verlags für datenintensive Technologien
- Datenbank-Spektrum 2018, Zeitschrift der GI für Datenbanktechnologien und Information Retrieval
- Frontiers of Computer Science 2018, bimonthly peer-reviewed Springer journal
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems 2017, Special Edition of the TLDKS journal series on Consistency and Inconsistency
External Reviews
- ICTA-EMoS 2022, 1st International Conference on Technological Advancement in Embedded and Mobile Systems
- Big Data 2019, IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- BTW 2019, 18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs (DBIS)
- Big Data 2018, IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- BTW 2017, 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs (DBIS)
- CLOSER 2017, 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
- IEEE SCC 2017, 14th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing
- IEEE CLOUD 2017, 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
- CLOUDTECH 2017, International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications
- SUMMERSOC2017, 11th Workshop and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing 2017
- IEEE SCC 2016, 13th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing
- CLOSER 2016, 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
- IEEE CLOUD 2016, 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
- Big Data 2016, IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- CLOUDTECH 2016, International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications
- Big Data 2015, IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- CLOUD COMPUTING 2015, 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization
- CLOUDTECH 2015, International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications
- IEEE SCC 2015, 12th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing
- SERVICE COMPUTATION 2015, 7th International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing
- SUMMERSOC2015, 9th Workshop and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing 2015
- WESOA 2015, 11th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications
- IEEE CLOUD 2015, 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
- CLOSER 2014, 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
- IEEE CLOUD 2014, 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
- CloudCycle14, Provisioning and Management of Portable and Secure Cloud-Services
- WESOA 2014, 9th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications
- CLOSER 2013, 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
- IEEE CLOUD 2013, 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
- WESOA 2013, 8th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications
[57] |
Felix Gessert, Wolfram Wingerath, and Norbert Ritter.
Schnelles & skalierbares Cloud-Datenmanagement.
Springer International Publishing, 2024. [ Book ] |
[56] |
Maria Fernanda Davila Restrepo, Wolfram Wingerath (Supervisor), and
Fabian Panse (Supervisor).
Benchmarking Tabular Data Synthesis for User Guidance.
In Themis Palpanas and H. V. Jagadish, editor, Proceedings of
the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2024 Joint Conference co-located with the
EDBT/ICDT 2024 Joint Conference, Paestum, Italy, March 25, 2024, volume
3651 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2024. [ Bibtex | Paper | Url ] |
[55] |
Fabian Panse, Wolfram Wingerath, and Benjamin Wollmer.
Towards Scalable Generation of Realistic Test Data for Duplicate
arXiv, 2023. [ arXiv | Bibtex | Paper | Url ] |
[54] |
Rika Baack, Wolfram Wingerath, and Sophie Ferrlein.
Data ist nicht gleich Data.
Das Informatik-Magazin - Mitgliedermagazin der Gesellschaft
für Informatik e.V., 2023. [ Bibtex | Paper | Url ] |
[53] |
Benjamin Wollmer, Wolfram Wingerath, Sophie Ferrlein, Fabian Panse, Felix
Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
The Case for Cross-entity Delta Encoding in Web Compression
Journal of Web Engineering, 22(01):131–-146, 4 2023. [ Bibtex | Paper | Url ] |
[52] |
Benjamin Wollmer, Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, Bücklers Florian, Hannes
Kuhlmann, Erik Witt, Fabian Panse, and Norbert Ritter.
Using the Client Cache for Content Encoding: Shared Dictionary
Compression for the Web.
In Service-Oriented Computing - 17th Symposium and Summer
School, SummerSOC 2023, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 25th - July 1st,
2023, Revised Selected Papers, Communications in Computer and Information
Science. Springer, 2023. [ Bibtex | Paper | Url ] |
[51] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Viktor Leis, and Felix Gessert.
GI Startup Platform – Community Get Together.
Tagungsband der 52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für
Informatik, INFORMATIK 2022, 2022. [ Bibtex | Paper | Url ] |
[50] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Benjamin Wollmer, Markus Bestehorn, Stephan Succo, Florian
Bücklers, Jörn Domnik, Fabian Panse, Erik Witt, Anil Sener, Felix Gessert,
and Norbert Ritter.
Beaconnect: Continuous Web Performance A/B-Testing at Scale.
Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Very Large
Data Bases, 2022. [ Bibtex | Slides | Video | Paper | Url ] |
[49] |
Felix Kiehn, Mareike Schmidt, Daniel Glake, Fabian Panse, Wolfram Wingerath,
Benjamin Wollmer, Martin Poppinga, and Norbert Ritter.
Polyglot Data Management: State of the Art & Open Challenges.
Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Very Large
Data Bases, 2022. [ Website | Bibtex | Slides | Paper ] |
[48] |
Sophie Ferrlein, Wolfram Wingerath, and Benjamin Wollmer.
Why Google's CrUX Results Are Not Reproducible With Your Real-User
Baqend Tech Blog, 2022. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[47] |
Fabian Panse, Meike Klettke, Johannes Schildgen, and Wolfram Wingerath.
Similarity-driven Schema Transformation for Test Data Generation.
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Extending
Database Technology, EDBT 2022, Edinburgh, UK, March 29-April 1, 2022,
2022. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[46] |
Benjamin Wollmer, Wolfram Wingerath, Sophie Ferrlein, Fabian Panse, Felix
Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
The Case for Cross-Entity Encoding in Web Compression.
In Web Engineering - 22nd International Conference, ICWE
2022, Bari, Italy, from July 5th until July 8th, 2022. Springer, 2022. [ Bibtex | Paper ] |
[45] |
Benjamin Wollmer, Wolfram Wingerath, Sophie Ferrlein, Felix Gessert, and
Norbert Ritter.
Compaz: Exploring the Potentials of Shared Dictionary Compression on
the Web.
In Web Engineering - 22nd International Conference, ICWE
2022, Bari, Italy, from July 5th until July 8th, 2022. Springer, 2022. [ Bibtex | Paper ] |
[44] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Benjamin Wollmer, Felix Gessert, Stephan Succo, and Norbert
Going for Speed: Full-Stack Performance Engineering in Modern
Web-Based Applications.
In Companion Proceedings of the 30th World Wide Web Conference,
WWW 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2021. [ Website | Handout | Bibtex | Slides | Video | Paper | Url ] |
[43] |
Wolfram Wingerath and Michaela Gebauer.
Handsfree Coding: Softwareentwicklung ohne Maus und Tastatur.
iX, 9:70-73, August 2021.
(PDF version: https://wingerath.cloud/2021/ix). [ Website | Bibtex | Video | Paper | Url ] |
[42] |
Fabian Panse, André Düjon, Wolfram Wingerath, and Benjamin Wollmer.
Generating Realistic Test Datasets for Duplicate Detection at Scale
Using Historical Voter Data.
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Extending
Database Technology, EDBT 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 23-26, 2021, 2021. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[41] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Benjamin Wollmer, Markus Bestehorn, Daniel Zaeh, Florian
Bücklers, Jörn Domnik, Anil Sener, Stephan Succo, and Virginia Amberg.
How Baqend Built a Real-Time Web Analytics Platform Using Amazon
Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.
AWS Big Data Blog, February 2021. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[40] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Viktor Leis, and Felix Gessert.
Digitale Innovation im internationalen Vergleich - Wo steht
GI-Radar, 296:Thema im Fokus, 2021. [ Bibtex | Paper | Url ] |
[39] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Benjamin Wollmer, and Kristian Sköld.
Mobile Site Speed - Part 4: Measurement Best Practices.
Baqend Tech Blog, 2021. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[38] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
InvaliDB: Scalable Push-Based Real-Time Queries on Top of Pull-Based
Databases (Extended).
Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Very Large
Data Bases, 2020. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[37] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, Erik Witt, Hannes Kuhlmann, Florian
Bücklers, Benjamin Wollmer, and Norbert Ritter.
Speed Kit: A Polyglot & GDPR-Compliant Approach For Caching
Personalized Content.
In 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering,
ICDE 2020, Dallas, Texas, April 20-24, 2020, 2020. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[36] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
InvaliDB: Scalable Push-Based Real-Time Queries on
Top of Pull-Based Databases.
In 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering,
ICDE 2020, Dallas, Texas, April 20-24, 2020, 2020. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[35] |
Benjamin Wollmer, Wolfram Wingerath, and Norbert Ritter.
Context-aware encoding & delivery in the web.
In Web Engineering - 20th International Conference, ICWE
2020, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-12, 2020, Proceedings. Springer, 2020. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[34] |
Wolfram Wingerath and Benjamin Wollmer.
Mobile Site Speed - Part 3: The Business Perspective.
Baqend Tech Blog, 2020. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[33] |
Benjamin Wollmer and Wolfram Wingerath.
Mobile Site Speed - Part 2: The User Perspective.
Baqend Tech Blog, 2020. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[32] |
Wolfram Wingerath and Benjamin Wollmer.
Mobile Site Speed & The Impact on Web Performance - Part 1 Intro.
Baqend Tech Blog, 2020. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[31] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
Dynamic Cache Lifetime With Immutable Cache-Control Headers.
Baqend Tech Blog, 2020. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[30] |
Stefan Puriss, Wolfram Wingerath, Thies Wrage, Kristian Sköld, Jan Göhmann,
and Felix Gessert.
The pandemic response for web performance.
techreport, Baqend, October 2020. [ Bibtex | Paper ] |
[29] |
Felix Gessert, Wolfram Wingerath, and Norbert Ritter.
Fast & Scalable Cloud Data Management.
Springer International Publishing, 2020. [ Book | Dblp ] |
[28] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Norbert Ritter, and Felix Gessert.
Real-Time & Stream Data Management: Push-Based Data in Research
& Practice.
Springer International Publishing, 2019. [ Book | Dblp ] |
[27] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
Twoogle: Searching twitter with mongodb queries.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW), 18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und
Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 4.-6.3.2019 in Hamburg, Germany. Proceedings,
2019. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[26] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
Nosql & real-time data management in research & practice.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW 2019), 18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs ,,Datenbanken und
Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 4.-8. März 2019, Rostock, Germany,
Workshopband, pages 267-270, 2019. [ Dblp | Paper | Url ] |
[25] |
Wolfram Wingerath and Felix Gessert.
Caching the Uncacheable: How Speed Kit Accelerates E-Commerce
AWS Startups Blog, October 2019. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[24] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
Skalierbare und Push-basierte Echtzeitanfragen für Pull-basierte
In Steffen Hölldobler, editor, Ausgezeichnete
Informatikdissertationen 2019, volume D-20 of LNI. GI, 2019. [ Dblp | Thesis ] |
[23] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
Scalable Push-Based Real-Time Queries on Top of
Pull-Based Databases.
PhD thesis, University of Hamburg, 2019. [ Dblp | Paper | Url ] |
[22] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, Erik Witt, Steffen Friedrich, and Norbert
Real-Time Data Management for Big Data.
In Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Extending
Database Technology, EDBT 2018, Vienna, Austria, March 26-29, 2018.
OpenProceedings.org, 2018. [ Dblp | Slides | Paper ] |
[21] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
Web Performance Made Simple: The What, When, How, and Why in 20
Baqend Tech Blog, 2018. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[20] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
Rethinking Web Performance with Service Workers: 30 Man-Years of
Research in a 30-Minute Read.
Baqend Tech Blog, 2018. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[19] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, Steffen Friedrich, Erik Witt, and Norbert
The Case For Change Notifications in Pull-Based Databases.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW 2017) - Workshopband, 2.-3. März 2017, Stuttgart, Germany,
2017. [ Dblp | Slides | Paper ] |
[18] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
Real-Time Databases Explained: Why Meteor, RethinkDB, Parse and
Firebase Don't Scale.
Baqend Tech Blog, 2017. [ Bibtex | Video | Url ] |
[17] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
Going Real-Time Has Just Become Easy: Baqend Real-Time Queries Hit
Public Beta.
Baqend Tech Blog, September 2017.
Accessed: 2017-09-26. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[16] |
Felix Gessert, Wolfram Wingerath, and Norbert Ritter.
Scalable Data Management: An In-Depth Tutorial on NoSQL Data
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW 2017) - Workshopband, 2.-3. März 2017, Stuttgart, Germany,
volume P-266 of LNI, pages 399-402. GI, 2017. [ Dblp | Slides | Paper ] |
[15] |
Felix Gessert, Michael Schaarschmidt, Wolfram Wingerath, Erik Witt, Eiko
Yoneki, and Norbert Ritter.
Quaestor: Query Web Caching for Database-as-a-Service Providers.
Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Very Large
Data Bases, 2017. [ Dblp | Video | Paper ] |
[14] |
Steffen Friedrich, Wolfram Wingerath, and Norbert Ritter.
Coordinated Omission in NoSQL Database Benchmarking.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW 2017) - Workshopband, 2.-3. März 2017, Stuttgart, Germany,
2017. [ Dblp | Slides | Paper ] |
[13] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, Steffen Friedrich, and Norbert Ritter.
Real-Time Stream Processing for Big Data.
it - Information Technology, 58(4):186-194, 2016. [ Dblp | Paper | Url ] |
[12] |
Wolfram Wingerath.
The Joy of Deploying Apache Storm on Docker Swarm.
highscalability.com, April 2016.
Accessed: 2016-05-03. [ Bibtex | Url ] |
[11] |
Felix Gessert, Wolfram Wingerath, Steffen Friedrich, and Norbert Ritter.
NoSQL Database Systems: A Survey and Decision Guidance.
Computer Science - Research and Development, 2016. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[10] |
Thomas Seidl, Norbert Ritter, Harald Schöning, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Theo
Härder, Steffen Friedrich, and Wolfram Wingerath, editors.
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW),
16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme"
(DBIS), 4.-6.3.2015 in Hamburg, Germany. Proceedings, volume 241 of
LNI. GI, 2015. [ Website | Dblp | Proceedings | Url ] |
[9] |
Norbert Ritter, Andreas Henrich, Wolfgang Lehner, Andreas Thor, Steffen
Friedrich, and Wolfram Wingerath, editors.
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW
2015) - Workshopband, 2.-3. März 2015, Hamburg, Germany, volume 242 of
LNI. GI, 2015. [ Website | Dblp | Proceedings | Url ] |
[8] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Steffen Friedrich, and Norbert Ritter.
BTW 2015 - Jubiläum an der Waterkant.
Datenbank-Spektrum, 15(2):159-162, 2015. [ Dblp | Article | Url ] |
[7] |
Wolfram Wingerath, Steffen Friedrich, Felix Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
Who Watches the Watchmen? On the Lack of Validation in NoSQL
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW), 16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und
Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 4.-6.3.2015 in Hamburg, Germany. Proceedings,
pages 351-360, 2015. [ Dblp | Slides | Paper | Url ] |
[6] |
Felix Gessert, Michael Schaarschmidt, Wolfram Wingerath, Steffen Friedrich, and
Norbert Ritter.
The Cache Sketch: Revisiting Expiration-based Caching in the Age of
Cloud Data Management.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW), 16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und
Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 4.-6.3.2015 in Hamburg, Germany. Proceedings,
pages 53-72, 2015. [ Dblp | Paper | Url ] |
[5] |
Felix Gessert, Steffen Friedrich, Wolfram Wingerath, Michael Schaarschmidt, and
Norbert Ritter.
Towards a Scalable and Unified REST API for Cloud Data Stores.
In 44. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik,
Informatik 2014, Big Data - Komplexität meistern, 22.-26. September
2014 in Stuttgart, Deutschland, pages 723-734, 2014. [ Dblp | Paper | Url ] |
[4] |
Steffen Friedrich, Wolfram Wingerath, Felix Gessert, and Norbert Ritter.
NoSQL OLTP Benchmarking: A Survey.
In 44. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik,
Informatik 2014, Big Data - Komplexität meistern, 22.-26. September
2014 in Stuttgart, Deutschland, pages 693-704, 2014. [ Dblp | Slides | Paper | Url ] |
[3] |
Fabian Panse, Wolfram Wingerath, Steffen Friedrich, and Norbert Ritter.
Key-Based Blocking of Duplicates in Entity-Independent Probabilistic
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on
Information Quality, IQ 2012, Paris, France, November 16-17, 2012., pages
278-296, 2012. [ Dblp | Paper ] |
[2] |
Steffen Friedrich and Wolfram Wingerath.
Evaluation of Tuple Matching Methods on Generated Probabilistic
Master's thesis, University of Hamburg, 2012. [ Bibtex | Thesis ] |
[1] |
Steffen Friedrich and Wolfram Wingerath.
Search-Space Reduction Techniques for Duplicate Detection in
Probabilistic Data.
Master's thesis, University of Hamburg, 2010. [ Bibtex | Thesis ] |
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