
Dorit Barz

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Tel.: 0441/ 798-4585

Award for excellent research

Prize for excellent research 2023

For more than 40 years, the University Society of Oldenburg (UGO) has been promoting scientific education at the University of Oldenburg while fostering the establishment of the university in the region. With the support of its foundation, the Society awarded the prize for excellent research for the first time in 2012. The award honours outstanding research achievements of both established and young scientists of the University of Oldenburg with international visibility.

The prize is awarded annually – together with the prize of the University Society of Oldenburg for outstanding doctoral theses.

The award comes with a prize money of

€ 5,000

In 2022, the UGO celebrated its 50th birthday and has since then announced the award for excellent research annually in two categories: The prize will be awarded to a scientist from the natural sciences, mathematics and medicine as well as to a scientist from the humanities, social and cultural sciences.

The members of the Presidential Chair of the University of Oldenburg, the deans and the institute directors are entitled to propose candidates for this award. Self-suggestions and applications from groups are not allowed.

All doctoral researchers at the University of Oldenburg can be proposed. Eligible persons may only nominate one candidate for the award for excellent research. The nominees may only be nominated in one price category, either for the award for excellent research or for the award for outstanding doctorate.

The award honours ground-breaking individual research achievements that have been reflected in relevant publications or postdoctoral theses of the last five years. Bibliographies, encyclopaedias and encyclopaedic works which are collections of writings or catalogues are excluded. Those eligible to nominate are asked to nominate primarily younger scientists who are at the beginning of their careers but have already achieved an independent status both on a national and international level.

The documents to be submitted include a curriculum vitae and the list of publications of the candidate, a copy of the work or works on which the proposal is based, as well as a description of the particular scientific excellence of these works in a maximum of three pages. If the nomination is based on publications with several authors, the contribution of the nominated author must be identified. Please include the contact information of two university teachers who can provide information on the content of the respective proposal.

The board of the UGO decides upon the awarding of the prize whereby the decision is based on the proposal of a jury of renowned scientists. Legal recourse is excluded.

The award ceremony will take place in december 2023 as part of the opening event of the academic year. Nominations (with full address, telephone and e-mail address of the nominee) must be submitted by

31 July 2023

Please send your nomination to the following email address:

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