Dr. rer. nat. Maximilian Petzold


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Dr. rer. nat. Maximilian Petzold

Project coordinator for PRO-NDC-ACT at the Chair of Ecological Economics.

Curriculum Vitae

since 09/2022
Project coordinator for PRO-NDC-ACT as a research assistant at the Chair of Ecological Economics at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
since 08/2016
Environmental planner at Planning Group Grün GmbH in Bremen.
Participation in the ECOSOLA research project as an environmental planner at Plaungsgruppe Grün GmbH: Development of an exemplary ecosystem-based land use plan for Vikawe in the Kibaha district on the city border with Dar es Salaam.
PhD-student in the Clim-A-Net project on the topic “Land cover versus functional diversity based assessments of ecosystem properties in a heterogeneous landscape” in the Landscape Ecology working group at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
Studies and graduation in landscape ecology at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.


Petzold, M., Bass, J., Karrasch, L. & Kleyer, M. (2021): Guidelines for ecosystem service-based urban planning in Tanzania. ISBN: 978-3-00-070396-6. URL: ecolution-africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Guide-ES-based-urban-planning-TZ_211001.pdf

Grothmann, T., Petzold, M., Ndaki, P., Kakembo, V., Siebenhüner, B., Kleyer, M., Yanda, P. & Ndou, N. (2017): Vulnerability Assessment in African Villages under Conditions of Land Use and Climate Change: Case Studies from Mkomazi and Keiskamma. In: Sustainability, 9(6), 976, doi: 10.3390/su9060976.

Petzold, M. (2017): Land cover versus functional diversity based assessments of ecosystem properties in a heterogeneous landscape. PhD-Thesis, University of Oldenburg. URL: https://oops.uni-oldenburg.de/3172/1/petlan16.pdf

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