Intersectoral care for vulnerable groups

The INGVER project of the University Medical Center Oldenburg (UMO) is dedicated to improving the care of vulnerable groups through a cross-sectoral, individualized and interdisciplinary approach. These groups - including high-risk babies, oncology patients and the elderly - have specific, sometimes complex medical and psychosocial needs that require intensive and personalized care. All three vulnerable groups have several care-related issues in common, such as chronic and psychiatric illnesses, co-morbidities, resilience and coping with critical life stages, and the importance of family and long-term care.

The main aim of the project is to develop innovative diagnosis, treatment and care concepts based on personalized medicine. Particular emphasis is placed on intersectoral networking, i.e. cooperation between inpatient and outpatient facilities and home care.

A central element of the project is the development of a diagnostics and data integration center that continuously collects and integrates data. The aim is to incorporate cross-sector information into personalized treatment plans to ensure seamless and interdisciplinary care. In addition, the border region between Germany and the Netherlands will be used to compare the strengths of both healthcare systems and derive cross-border care models.

(Changed: 11 Dec 2024)  | 
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