Team and contact
Didactics of Mathematics Research Group
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg Institute for Mathematics Didactics of Mathematics Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11 26111 Oldenburg
Mathematics Education
WG Mathematics Education
Research in mathematics education at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg belongs to the interpretative research paradigm. At the centre, therefore, is a category-building interest in which we conduct case studies to generate theoretical explanations for empirical phenomena. In doing so, we move between two typical poles:
- Constructive mathematics education: what learning processes should take place and how does one design learning environments to initiate them?
- Reconstructive mathematics education: Which phenomena occur when trying to initiate substantial learning processes and how can they be explained?
Our work oscillates between these poles and proceeds in an ideal-typical way as shown in the adjacent cycle.
LernWerkstatt Elementary Mathematics
The LernWerkstatt Elementary Mathematics (W01 1-123) is the teaching-learning laboratory of the mathematics education at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. It offers students and teachers the opportunity to discover, try out and test various mathematical materials from everyday school life with pupils.
Theses in elementary mathematics
We are pleased if you are interested in writing your final thesis in Elementary Mathematics! The procedure for registration is as follows: In Stud.IP, accompanying courses for the final theses (Analyses of Mathematical Teaching-Learning Processes (MAM) or (BAM)) are offered. You will see these as soon as all courses of the next semester are released. If you have a place in the accompanying course, you will automatically also be supervised by the lecturer. Unfortunately, we do not have any further supervision capacities available.
Subject Advisory Service Elementary Mathematics
For subject-specific advice on the degree programmes
- Elementary Mathematics dual-subject Bachelor
- Elementary Mathematics - Master of Education (Primary and Secondary School)
- Elementary Mathematics - Master of Education (Haupt- und Realschule)
- Elementary Mathematics - Master of Education (Special Education)
please contact Prof. Dr. Ralph Schwarzkopf.
- Prof. Dr. Astrid Fischer
- Prof. Dr. Ralph Schwarzkopf
- Dr. Carolin Danzer
- Dr. Paul Gudladt
- Diana Hunscheidt
- Dr. Birte Specht
- Anna Edamus
- Maximailian Hesse
- André Köhler
- Prof. Dr Heinrich Besuden †
- Prof. Dr Michael Neubrand
- Prof. Dr Wolfang Sprockhoff †
- Dr Anna-Lena Barkley
- Dr Gabriele Grieshop
- Dr Antje Hoffmann†
- Dr Marieke Roskam
- Dr Simeon Schwob