
Head of division

Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier

+49 (0)441 798 5466 oder 5470

W30 3-313


Katja Warnken

+49 (0)441 798 5470

+49 (0)441 798-3902

W30 3-312

Kirsten Scheel

+49 (0)441 798-3813

+49 (0)441 798-3902

W30 3-312

Address (Mail address)

Medizinische Physik, Fakultät VI
Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Location / How to find us

For specific questions regarding one of our research topics, please contact the respective people directly (see staff list).


Medical physics staff

This staff list includes all the people currently working at the Medical Physics Division or in one of the institutions having their home at the nearby "Haus des Hörens" (HdH, house of hearing). Please note the different phone prefixes for the two sites. Abbreviations are listed at the bottom of the page. Please substitute _AT_ by @ within the email addresses.

Medical physics group

  Name/homepage Mail Telephone
(+49 441)
  Anemüller, Jörn 798 3610 W30 3-305
  Biberger, Thomas 798 3528 W30 3-330
  Brand, Thomas 798 5496 W30 3-304
  Buhl, Mareike 798 5495 W30 3-307
  Dwehus, Ilona 798 3399 W4 0-083
  Ewert, Stephan D. 798 3900 W30 3-302
  Eysholdt, Ulrich 798 3548 W30 3-306
  Feld, Lea-Christin   W30 1-105
  Fichna, Stefan 798 3249 W30 1-101
  Gerken, Merle 798 5487 W30 1-103
  Gorges, Anita 798 5471 W30 3-328
  Grunau, Frank 798 3082 W30 3-329
  Hu, Hongmei 798 3308 W30 3-320
  Kirsch, Christoph 798 3761 W30 3-331
  Klink, Karin 798 3185 W30 3-316  
  Kollmeier, Birger 798 5466 W30 3-313
  Kollmeier, Birger [Telefon 2] 2172 301 HdH 1.22
  Köllner, Jennifer 798 3252 W30 0-001
  Koifman, Shiran 798 5495 W30 3-207
  Kranzusch, Paul 798 5472 W30 1-102
  Lamba, Manan 798 3468 W30 3-337
  Mauermann, Manfred 798 3528 W30 3-330
  Nustede, Eike 798 5497 W30 1-105
  Ohlmann, Kristin 798 5472 W30 1-102
  Röttges, Saskia 798 3526 W2   0 084
  Rudolph, Ansgar 798 5498 W30 3-315
  Saak, Samira   W30 1-104
  Scharf, Maximilian 798 5472 W30 1-102
  Scheel, Kirsten 798 3813 W30 3-312
  Schell-Majoor, Lena 798 5495 W30 3-307
  Schütze, Julia 798 3625 W30 1-104
  Schwarz, Thomas 798 5487 W30 1-103
  Sprenger, Kristin 798 5487 W30 1-103
  Steffens, Henning 798 3249 W30 1-101
  Uppenkamp, Stefan 798 3955 W30 3-303
  Xu, Chen 798 5497 W30 1-105
  Warnken, Katja 798 5470 W30 3-312
  Warzybok-Oetjen, Anna 798 5499 W30 3-308

Hörzentrum (HZ)

(+49 441 2172)
Adiloglu (HT), Kamil   215 1.15
Bach (HT), Jörg-Hendrik   205 2.33
Beeken (HZ), Jessica     E.14
Berg (HT), Daniel   204 2.18
Bisitz (HT), Thomas   209 2.38
Blümer (HT), Max   247 2.18
Blum (HT), Sarah   798 5510 Uni
Eggers (HT), Esther   146 1.09
Exter (HT), Mats   188 2.38
Gerdes (HT), Ilka   217 2.17
Gräfen, Vincent   304 2.35
Grimm (HT/Uni), Giso   314 2.11+2.34
Grunewald (HT), Niklas   208 2.19
Grzybowski (HZ), Thomas   148 2.19
Gurthat (HT), Sabine   100/200/500 Empfang
Hartog (HT/Uni), Laura   246 2.35
Heeren (HT), Jan   245 2.19
Hemken (HT), Elke   212 1.09
Herzke (HT), Tobias   206 2.36
Hohmann (HT/Uni), Volker   312 2.06
Hoffmann (HT), Amelie   304 2.35
Hüwel (HT), Andreas   218 1.15
Jansen (HT), Theresa   304 2.35
Kaya (HZ/MEVO), Müge   133 E.11
Kayser (HT), Hendrik   321 2.12
Kollmeier (HT/Uni), Birger     1.22
Kreuteler (HZ), Anja   135 E.14
Krüger (HZ), Melanie   139 2.17
Llorach (HT), Gerard   798 3556 W30 0-004
Löw (HT), Thomas   186 1.21
Lucke (HT), Sabrina   207 1.10
Lüschen (HT), Sven   207 1.10
Lundbeck (HT), Micha   237 1.21
Maanen (HT), Paul   213 2.36
Meis (HZ), Markus   141 2.20
Meyer-Hilberg (HT), Annika   304 2.35
Moraru (HT), Gabriel   244 2.34
Oetting (HT), Dirk   241 2.35
Pelz (HT), Corinna   214 2.22
Pollak (HZ), Kevin   130 E.15
Quirandt (HT), Sebastian   149 1.12
Renken (HZ), Meike   138 E.11
Röskamm (HT), David   219 2.17
Schröck (HZ), Anja   132 E.11
Schulte (HZ), Michael   142 1.13
Sommer (HZ), Kerstin   136 E.11
Varzandeh (HT), Reza   182 1.15
Vormann (HZ), Matthias   183 1.13
Wagener (HZ), Kirsten   143 1.14
Wasilewski (HZ), NIna   217 2.17
Weidert (HT), Petra   100/200/500 1.10
Wetzel (HT), Stefan   242 2.22
Wittkop (HT), Thomas   202 2.34
Zimmermann (HT), Max   206 2.36
Zokoll (HZ), Melanie   164 2.21

Fraunhofer IDMT

name/homepage mail phone
(+49 441)
Appell, Jens-E.   2172-401 HdH 1.35
Bartsch, Christian   2172-429 HdH 1.45
Baumgartner-Krone, Hannah   2172-438 HdH 1.43
Beckmann, Peter Andreas   36116-839 TGO 2.45
Bitzer, Jörg   2172-433 HdH 1.33
Brandes, Moritz   36116-891 TGO 2.44
Bruns, Tobias   2172-428 HdH 1.28
Coleman, Graham   2172-428 HdH 1.28
Colmer, Christian   2172-436 HdH 1.27
Fischer, Sven   36116-891 TGO 2.44
Goetze, Stefan   2172-432 HdH 1.32
Gößwein, Jonathan   2172-428 HdH 1.28
Hall, Amy   2172-440 HdH 1.41
Heidsiek, Elke   2172-400 HdH 1.34
Hieronimus, Imke   2172-442 HdH 1.27
Hollosi, Danilo   36116-837 TGO 2.43
Huber, Rainer   2172-441 HdH 1.40
Jäger, Manuela   2172-437 HdH 1.44
John, Peter   36116-831 TGO 046B
Krishnan, Vinay   36116-162 TGO 2.66
Moritz, Niko   36116-836 TGO 2.42
Müller, Menno   2172-429 HdH 1.45
Netter, Kirsten   36116-161 TGO 2.65
Rennies-Hochmuth, Jan   2172-433 HdH 1.33
Rollwage, Christian   2172-433 HdH 1.33
Ruhland, Marco   36116-831 TGO E46B
Simmer, Klaus   36116-831 TGO E46
Stehle, Ferdinand   36116-831 TGO E46B
Stennes, Matthias   36116-162 TGO 2.66
Sylopp, Peggy   2172-400 HdH 1.41
Thalappully, Rashik   2172-438 HdH 1.43
Vogl, Steffen   36116-831 TGO E46B
Volgenandt, Andreas   2172-429 HdH 1.45
Volke, Stephanus   2172-441 HdH 1.40
Vox, Jan    2172-437 HdH 1.44
Wabnik, Stefan   36116-839 TGO 2.45
Wallhoff, Frank   2172-432 HdH 1.32
Wellmann, Jan   36116-831 TGO E46B
Winneke, Axel   2172-437 HdH 1.45
Wolf, Karen Insa   2172-437 HdH 1.44

Phone "Medi-Teeküche": 798-3566
Phone "HdH Kaninchenställe": 2172-303

These are the general fax numbers for most people on this list (if not specified differently on the according personal website): +49 441 798 3902 (for staff members in building W30 and W2), +49 441 2172 350 (Medi HdH), +42 441 2172 240 (Fraunhofer TGO or HdH), or +49 77083777 (FH). 



Uni Medical Physics Section in University building
W2 physics wing of the university building at Carl von Ossietzky Str. 9-11
W30 research building NeSSy, Küpkersweg 74
HdH House of Hearing (Haus des Hörens), Marie-Curie-Straße 2
HZ Hörzentrum section in HdH
HT HoerTech
FH Fachhochschule (University of applied sciences) in HdH
MEDI Medical Physics Section in HdH
TGO Technologie- und Gründungszentrum Oldenburg, Marie-Curie-Straße 1


How to get to Campus Wechloy / NeSSy / House of Hearing


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