Early Detection and Health Care of Prostate Cancer Patients
Principal investigator:
Alexander Winter (Senior Physician und Deputy Head and Coordinator Prostate Cancer Center)
Responsible associate:
Sanny Witt (née Kappen), E-Mail: sanny.witt@uni-oldenburg.de
- Clinical Research Funding of the University of Oldenburg
Current status:
Early Detection and Health Care of Prostate Cancer Patients
Early detection and health care of prostate cancer patients – a transnational comparison of political impact assessment and empirical evaluation of the regional heterogeneity in medical care
The Department of Epidemiology and Biometry is collaborating with the University Clinic for Urology at the Oldenburg Hospital, the Epidemiological Cancer Registry of Lower Saxony (EKN) and the Department of Epidemiology at the University Medical Center Groningen on various projects concerning the care and epidemiology of prostate cancer. Among other things, this involves a transnational comparison of physicians' use of PSA testing between Germany and the Netherlands.
Country-specific health policy decisions on prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing or early detection of prostate cancer (C61 (ICD-10)) can have different effects, such as increasing incidence – as is the case in Germany and the Netherlands. Within countries, there is also variability in the use of the PSA test, which is shaped less by national recommendations than by the individual actions and attitudes of physicians.
- Kappen S, Koops L, Jürgens V, Freitag MH, Blanker MH, Timmer A, de Bock GH. General practitioners' approaches to prostate-specific antigen testing in the north-east of the Netherlands. BMC Fam Pract. 2020; 21: 270. doi: 10.1186/s12875-020-01350-3
- Kappen S, Jürgens V, Freitag MH, Winter A. Early detection of prostate cancer using prostate-specific antigen testing: an empirical evaluation among general practitioners and urologists. Cancer Manag Res. 2019; 11: 3079–3097. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S193325
Conference contributions (selection):
- Kappen S, Jürgens V, Freitag MH, Winter A. Attitudes and approaches of urologists and general practitioners toward prostate-specific antigen testing in Germany: a cross-sectional survey (Vortrag). DKVF 2020, Berlin; 30.09.20
- Kappen S, Jürgens V. Leitlinien und Empfehlungen zur Prostatakrebsfrüherkennung mittels
PSA-Testung – Deutschland und die Niederlande im Vergleich. GMDS 2018, Osnabrück; 02.9. - 05.9.2018 - Kappen S, Winter A, Wawroschek F, Timmer A, Jürgens V. PSA-Testung als Früherkennungsuntersuchung – eine empirische Evaluation der hausärtzlichen Versorgungsrealitäten in Niedersachsen (Deutschland) und der Provinz Groningen (Niederlande) – GMDS 2017, Oldenburg; 17.9. - 21.9.2017
- Kappen S, Winter A, Timmer A, Jürgens V. PSA-Testung als Früherkennungsuntersuchung – eine empirische Evaluation der haus- und fachärztlichen Versorgungsheterogenität – QoCC 2017, Berlin