Links and resources
Do it yourself: We have assembled a number of links to – mainly introductory – texts and online tools from epidemiology and biometry focusing on clinical research.
Links and resources
Links and resources
Epidemiology, Designing Research
Recommended introductory textbooks and glossaries
- Dictionary of epidemiology (Portas, 2014)
- Klinische Epidemiologie (Fletcher & Fletcher, 2019)
- Designing Clinical Research (Hulley, 2013)
- Epidemiology : an introduction (Rothman, 2012)
- Book: Epidemiologische Methoden (Kreienbrock, 2012)
- Book: Lehrbuch evidenzbasierte Medizin in Klinik und Praxis (Kunz, 2007)
- Cochrane Glossary
Helpful article series
- DÄ plus Series: „Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Publikationen”
- Series on systematic reviews
- Lancet Series: „Increasing Value Reducing Waste”
Online resources and standards
Statistics and evaluation
- Anhang S: Statistische Grundlagen in Epidemiologische Methoden (Kreienbrock, 2012) [ PDF ]
- Statistics at Square One (T.D.V. Swinscow, 2002) [ PDF ]
- Basiswissen Medizinische Statistik (Weiß, 2013) [ PDF ]
- Statistics Notes in the British Medical Journal
- Journal of Physiology Serien zu Statistik
- Series on statistics (DMW)
- Online Tools
UCSF Biostatistics: Power and Sample Size Online Calculators
- endnote [ free download ]
- Revman5 (for systematic reviews and meta analysis)
- Reference Hunter
- Epi Info (sample size and power calculations)
- G*Power (sample size and power calculations)
- UCSF Biostatistics: Power and Sample Size Programs
- The R Project for Statistical Computing
- SPSS [ free download ]
- SAS [ SAS University Edition ]
Medical associations and networks
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS)
- The German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi)
- International Epidemiological Association (IEA)
- Deutsche Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (IBS-DR)
- Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e. V. (DNVF)
- German Network for Evidence-based Medicine e. V. (DNEbM)
- TMF – Technology and Methods platform for medical research e. V.