Information for Authors
Information for Authors
Paper Templates
We offer the following templates for your paper:
Please only use one of the above templates and keep in mind that English is mandatory. The paper must not exceed four pages plus one additional page containing only references. Formatting hints and guidelines are provided in the templates. Contributions should be submitted as a PDF file via the EasyChair portal.
If you experience any difficulties while using the above templates or submitting your paper, please feel free to .
Oral Presentation
For the lecture sessions, the duration for each presentation is 15 minutes (20 minutes for the 'Active Noise Cancellation' tutorial session), of which 3 minutes are reserved for discussion. A computer with PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat and loudspeakers will be provided.
The conference language is English, so lectures should preferably be given in English. Lecture slides and posters should definitely be in English.
Poster Presentation
For the poster sessions, we will provide poster boards with dimensions 140 cm x 114 cm (height x width). Please prepare your poster in DIN A0 portrait format.
The conference language is English, so lectures should preferably be given in English. Lecture slides and posters should definitely be in English.
If you need additional equipment for your lecture or poster presentation, please in due time.