No place for antisemitism
For togetherness and a respectful, dialogue-oriented and responsible-minded culture of discussion on campus. The Presidential Board addresses the university public in a new letter.
Events and information
No place for antisemitism: events and information
Dear colleagues and students at the University of Oldenburg,
The war that was triggered by the Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October 2023 will soon reach the one-year mark. It is a war that has brought endless suffering to the people of Israel and Gaza, and unfortunately there is still no end in sight. Our sympathy goes out to all those who are suffering as a consequence of this conflict – whether in the Middle East, elsewhere in the world, in Oldenburg or here on our campus.
Last semester – in addition to the abominable attack on the Oldenburg Synagogue – there were several worrying incidents at our university. These include antisemitic statements made in lectures and on the internet, and the distribution of flyers with disturbing content. As the winter semester begins, we, the members of the Presidential Board, would therefore like to once more make it absolutely clear: there is no place for any form of antisemitism, racism, hatred, violence, exclusion or discrimination at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Our campus is and remains a place of tolerance and diversity.
Let us look together at what is happening around us and take a stand. We are all called upon to campaign vigorously for democracy and against extremist tendencies. This is also the stance of the University Senate, which at its last meeting clearly underlined that this is precisely what our university must stand for.
Our core tasks in promoting democracy are discourse and education – we focus on using words and arguments. As announced, in order to actively promote constructive discussion on campus, a number of new events and workshops on the topics of antisemitism and anti-discrimination have been organised for the coming winter semester, including the following:
Tuesday, 15 October, 6.30 pm, A01 0-004
Lecture held by Deborah Eller for students and members of the university
“University for Palestine” – Studentischer Protest nach dem 7. Oktober 2023
Organised by the Student Council (AStA) of the University of Oldenburg
More info at
Thursday, 24 October, 1 pm to 1.30 pm, digital
mittags-info by the PEOE department for students and employees
“Weil Worte wirken – Diversität, Diskriminierung und Sprache”
Held by Nele Kuhn (Arbeitsstelle Diversität, Uni Bremen) in cooperation with the International Office of the University of Oldenburg
See more info (PDF)
Monday, 28 October, 9 am to 1 pm, Schlaues Haus
Workshop for teaching staff and administrative staff
“Grundlagen für Dialogräume über Antisemitismus und Rassismus an Hochschulen schaffen”
Held by Samuel Stern and Sebastian Nebel (Bildungsstätte Anne Frank e.V.)
More info on staff training PEOE.IP under “Chancengleichheit”
Friday, 22 November, 10 January and 28. February, 9 am to 2 pm
Three-part course for teachers and administrative staff
“Antisemitismus – erkennen, reflektieren und handeln”
Held by Dr. Carina Brankovic, Institute of Protestant Theology and Religious Education
More info on staff training PEOE.IP
Wednesday, 27 November, 3 pm to 8.30 pm, V03-0-C002
Workshop and lecture for student teachers, university lecturers and teachers
“Antisemitismuskritische Schulentwicklungsarbeit”
Organised by the Servicestelle für Antidiskriminierungsarbeit, Beratung bei Rassismus und Antisemitismus (SABRA) of the Jewish Community Düsseldorf in cooperation with the project Teacher Training Against Antisemitism at the Department for Study Affairs, the Intercultural Jewish Studies research programme and the Institute of Protestant Theology and Religious Education
More info at
Monday, 2 December, 9 am to 2 pm, Interkultureller Treff (IKT)
Workshop / Seminar for employees
“Brücken bauen: Der jüdisch-muslimische Dialog – Gemeinsam für Verständnis und Zusammenhalt”
Held by Transaidency e.V. and the International Office of the University of Oldenburg
More information will soon be available on staff training PEOE.IP and at
Tuesday, 3 December, 10 am to 3 pm, Interkultureller Treff (IKT)
Workshop for students
“Brücken bauen: Der jüdisch-muslimische Dialog – Gemeinsam für Verständnis und Zusammenhalt”
Held by Transaidency e.V. and the International Office of the University of Oldenburg
More info at
Wednesday, 29 January, 2.15 pm to 4 pm, A06 1-111
Lecture for student teachers and members of the university
“Darstellungen von Judentum in Schulbüchern in antisemitismuskritischer Perspektive”
Held by Prof. Dr. Joachim Willems, Institute of Protestant Theology and Religious Education
In addition, the University of Oldenburg’s interdisciplinary programme “Intercultural Jewish Studies” is dedicated to researching and teaching how Judaism has contributed to European culture. In cooperation with the Leo-Trepp-Lehrhaus of the Jewish Community of Oldenburg, lectures will also be held regularly in the winter semester. From April next year, the lecture series will focus on the topic of “antisemitic orientations”.
In addition, the interdisciplinary working group “Transcultural Interreligious Studies” offers a professionalisation and certificate programme; expanding this provision further is planned.
For further information about events, please refer to the university’s events calendar
With best regards,
Prof. Dr. Ralph Bruder
Jörg Stahlmann
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Prof. Dr. Ralf Grüttemeier
Vice President for Research and Transfer
Prof. Dr. Andrea Strübind
Vice President for Instruction
Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery
Vice President for Academic Career Paths, Equal Opportunities and International Affairs
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