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Doing care - Family work balance for academia

In this talk Dr. Saumya Pant presents a few findings out of her doctoral thesis that investigated experiences and struggles of highly qualified female migrants in Germany. The speaker will provide similarities in experiences/issues around care work between qualified migrant women and (migrant) women in academia. There will be an open discussion on whether a care ceiling exists in academia as well as what sustainable measures are required to reach a ‘work-life balance’ particularly for women in science.

Die Veranstaltung ist eine der Lunch Time Lectures "Gender and Diversity in STEM and Medicine", die von  der dezentralen Gleichstellung der Fakultät VI organisiert werden. 

Es ist keine Anmeldung nötig und die Teilnahme an die Veranstaltung kann nicht angerechnet werden.

29.11.2023 13:00 – 14:00

(Changed: 16 Dec 2024)  | 
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