Chiara Tenneriello


Chiara Tenneriello

Neurosensorics/Animal Navigation group
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences

Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
26129 Oldenburg
Campus Wechloy, building W04-1-142

Chiara Tenneriello

Doctoral researcher


since March 2023  PhD student in behavioural biology (supervisor: Dr. Pauline Fleischmann)

Project: The role of magnetoreception in Cataglyphis ants’ navigation (embedded in the SFB 1372)


2020–2022   Master in Evolution of Animal and Human Behavior; University of Turin; Focus: Evolution of behavior, Neurobiology, Eco-etology. Thesis: Acoustic allometry in begging calls of African penguin chicks

2017–2020 Bachelor of Natural Science; University of Turin; Focus: Zoology, ecology, botany, and geology. Thesis: The role of bioamines in the neuromodulation of ant social behaviours.

Sep 2019–Feb 2020 Erasmus studies of biology at the University of Seville; Focus: Animal physiology, Biodiversity and conservation of animal species

Conference contributions

14 Sep 2022; I. Morandi1#, C. Tenneriello1#, F. Terranova1, M. Cadman2, K. Ludynia2, N. Mathevon3, D. Reby3, L. Favaro1*; Chick Food Solicitation Signals Provide “Honest” Information On Body Size In African Penguins; XXIX Convegno della Società Italiana di Etologia; Padua (Italy) – Poster presentation

8 Jan 2021 C. Tenneriello, F. Barbero; The Role of Bioamines In The Neuromodulation Of Ant Social Behaviours; International Student Course in Behavioural Biology 2021; Institut Francilien d'Éthologie (online) – Poster presentation

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