Dr. Antonietta De Sio
Antonietta De Sio
Phone: +49-441-798-3490
Room: W2 3-319
Dr. Antonietta De Sio

Dr. Antonietta De Sio
Akademische Rätin a. Z.
W2 3-319
+49 - (0)441 - 798 3490
+49 - (0)441 - 798 3890
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institut für Physik
AG Ultraschnelle Nano-Optik
D-26111 Oldenburg
Five selected peer-reviewed publications (a complete list can be found here)
- X.T. Nguyen, K. Winte, D. Timmer, Y. Rakita, D. Ceratti, S. Aharon, M.S. Ramzan, C. Cocchi, M. Lorke, F. Jahnke, D. Cahen, C. Lienau, A. De Sio, Phonon-driven intra-exciton Rabi oscillations in halide perovskites, Nature Communications 14, 1047 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36654-2 – featured in Editors’ Highlights
- A. De Sio, E. Sommer, X.T. Nguyen, L. Groß, D. Popović, B.T. Nebgen, S. Fernandez-Alberti, S. Pittalis, C.A. Rozzi, E. Molinari, E. Mena-Osteritz, P. Bäuerle, T. Frauenheim, S. Tretiak, C. Lienau, Intermolecular conical intersections in molecular aggregates, Nature Nanotechnology 16, 63-68 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-020-00791-2
- X.T. Nguyen, D. Timmer, Y. Rakita, D. Cahen, A. Steinhoff, F. Jahnke, C. Lienau, A. De Sio, Ultrafast charge carrier relaxation in inorganic halide perovskite single crystals probed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 5414 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01936
- A. De Sio, C. Lienau, Perspective: Vibronic coupling in organic semiconductors for photovoltaics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 18813 (2017) – “2017 PCCP HOT Articles” https://doi.org/10.1039/C7CP03007J
- A. De Sio, F. Troiani, M. Maiuri, J. Réhault, E. Sommer, J. Lim, S.F. Huelga, M.B. Plenio, C.A. Rozzi, G. Cerullo, E. Molinari, C. Lienau, Tracking the coherent generation of polaron pairs in conjugated polymers, Nature Communications 7, 13742 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms13742