
Head of division

Prof. Dr. Volker Hohmann

+49 441 798 5468

W30 3-301

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Faculty VI - School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
26111 Oldenburg


Nicole Kulbach

+49 441 798 3326

+49 441 798 3903

W30 2-206

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Faculty VI - School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
26111 Oldenburg

Hendrik Kayser

Hendrik Kayser

Dr. rer. nat. Hendrik Kayser
Digital hearing devices
Auditory Signal Processing and Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all"
Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg 


phone: +49 441 798 - 3382 / +49 441 2172 - 321
fax: +49 441 798 - 3902 / +49 441 2172 - 350
office location: W30 3-332 / HdH 2.12


List of Publications

Peer-reviewed journal papers

Luberadzka, J., Kayser, H., Hohmann, V., “Making sense of periodicity glimpses in a prediction-update-loop—A computational model of attentive voice tracking,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 151, Issue 2, pp. 712 – 737, 2022. DOI: 10.1121/10.0009337

Kayser, H., Herzke, T., Maanen, P., Zimmermann, M., Grimm, G., Hohmann, V., “Open community platform for hearing aid algorithm research: open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA),” SoftwareX, Volume 17, 100953, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2021.100953

Adiloglu, K., Kayser, H., Baumgärtel, R. M., Rennebeck, S., Dietz, M., Hohmann, V., “A binaural steering beamforming system for enhancing a moving speech source,” Trends in Hearing, Volume 19, 13 pages, 2015.

Kayser, H., Hohmann V., Ewert S. D., Kollmeier B., Anemüller J., “Robust auditory localization using probabilistic inference and coherence-based weighting of interaural cues,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 138, Issue 5, pp. 2635 – 2648, 2015.

Kayser, H., Ewert S. D., Anemüler J., Rohdenburg, T., Hohmann, V., Kollmeier B., “Database of multichannel in-ear and behind-the-ear head-related and binaural room impulse responses,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2009, Article ID298605, 10 pages, 2009.

Peer-reviewed conferences

Grimm, G., Kayser, H., Hendrikse, M., Hohmann, V., “A gaze-based attention model for spatially-aware hearing aids,” In 13th ITG Conference on Speech Communication (ITG2018), pp. 231-235, Oldenburg, Germany, 2018.

Herzke, T., Kayser H., Seifert, C., Maanen, P., Obbard, C., Payá-Vayá, G., Blume, H., Hohmann, V., “Open Hardware Multichannel Sound Interface for Hearing Aid Research on BeagleBone Black with openMHA: Cape4all,” Linux Audio Conference (LAC2018), May 09, Berlin, Germany, 2018.

Herzke, T., Kayser, H., Loshaj, F., Grimm, G., Hohmann, V., “Open signal processing software platform for hearing aid research (openMHA),” Linux Audio Conference (LAC2017), May 18, Saint-Etienne, France, 2017.

Anemüller, J., Kayser, H., “Multi-channel signal enhancement with speech and noise covariance estimates computed by a probabilistic localization model,” In 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017), New Orleans, Louisiana, 2017.

Meyer, B.T., Mallidi, S.H., Kayser, H., Hermansky, H. , “Predicting error rates for unknown data in automatic speech recognition,” In 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017), New Orleans, Louisiana, 2017.

Anemüller, J., Kayser, H., “Acoustic source localization by combination of supervised direction-of-arrival estimation with disjoint component analysis”, In 13th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA ICA 2017), Grenoble, France, 2017.

Meyer, B.T., Mallidi, S.H., Castro Martínez, A.M., Paya-Vaya, G., Kayser, H., Hermansky, H., “Performance monitoring for automatic speech recognition in noisy multi-channel environments,” IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT 2016), San Diego, California, 2016

Kayser, H., Anemüller, J., “Probabilistic spatial filter estimation for multi-channel signal enhancement in hearing aids,” In 12th ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Paderborn, Germany, 2016.

Adiloglu, K., Coleman, G., Kayser, H., Hohmann V. “Online estimation of inter-channel phase differences using non-negative matrix factorization,” In IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2016), Salerno, Italy, 2016.

Kayser, H., Moritz, N., Anemüller, J., “Probabilistic spatial filter estimation for signal enhancement in multi-channel automatic speech recognition,” In 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), San Francisco, California, 2016.

Spille, C., Kayser, H., Hermansky, H., Meyer, B.T., “Assessing speech quality in speech- aware hearing aids based on phoneme posteriorgrams,” In 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), San Francisco, California, 2016.

Kayser, H., Spille, C., Marquardt, D., Meyer, B.T., “Improving automatic speech recognition in spatially-aware hearing aids,” In 16th Annual Conference of the Interna- tional Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2015), Dresden, Germany, 2015.

Kayser, H., Anemüller, J., “A discriminative learning approach to probabilistic acou- stic source localization,” In International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC 2014), pp. 100 – 104, Antibes, France, 2014.

Kayser, H., Adiloglu, K., Anemüller, J., “Estimation of Inter-Channel Phase Differences using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization,” In 8th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2014), pp. 77 – 80, A Coruna, Spain, 2014.

Kliper, R., Kayser, H., Weinshall, D., Nelken, I., Anemüller, J., “Monaural Azimuth Localization Using Spectral Dynamics of Speech,” In 12th Annual Conference of the Inter- national Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2011), pp. 33 – 36, Florence, Italy, 2011.

Anemüller, J., Pavel, M., Torii, A., van Gool, L., Zweig, A., Hermansky, H., Bach, J.- H., Caputo, B., Havlena, M., Jie, L., Kayser, H., Leibe, B., Motlicek, P., Pajdla, T., “The DIRAC AWEAR audio-visual platform for detection of unexpected and incongruent events,” In 10th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2008), pp. 289 – 293, Chania, Crete, Greece, 2008.

Other conference contributions

Pavlovic, C., Hohmann, V., Kayser, H., Wong, L., Herzke, T., Prakash, S.R., Hou, Z., Maanen, P., “Open portable platform for hearing aid research,” 175th Meeting Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, USA, 2018.

Kayser, H., Pavlovic, C., Hohmann, V., Wong, L., Herzke, T., Prakash, S.R., Hou, Z., Maanen, P., “Open portable platform for hearing aid research, American Auditory Society's 45th Annual Scientific and Technology Conference,  Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 2018.

Kayser, H., Herzke, T., Loshaj, F., Grimm, G., Hohmann, V., “Open Community Platform for Hearing Aid Algorithm Research,” Acoustics' 17 Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2017

Kayser, H., Herzke, T., Grimm G., Hohmann, V., “Open Community Platform for Hearing Aid Algorithm Research,” Schmidt, G., Nolte, B., Heute, U., editors, Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017, 43. Jahrestagung für Akustik, March 06; Kiel, Germany, Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA): 2017.

Marquardt, D., Kayser, H., Doclo, S., “Evaluation of MVDR-based Noise Reduc- tion Algorithms for Binaural Hearing Aids in the Presence of DOA Estimation Errors,” International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON 2016), Lake Tahoe, California, USA, 2016.

Kayser, H., Hohmann, V., Stephan D. Ewert, Anemüller, J., “Binaurale Lokalisation von Sprache anhand der Statistik interauraler Unterschiede,” Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik - DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, 2014.

Kayser, H., Ewert, S.D., Hohmann, V., Anemüller, J., “Probabilistic modeling of auditory cues for binaural speaker localization,” AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics, Merano, Italy, 2013.

Kliper, R., Kayser, H., “Efficient Speech Localization Based on Monaural Cues,” Com- putational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE 2011), Salt Lake City, Utah, 2011.

Anemüller, J., Bach, J.-H., van Gool, L., Kayser, H., Moreau, W., Wabnik, S., “Audio- visuelle Identifikation ungewöhnlicher Ereignisse - das DIRAC Projekt,” In Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2010, pp. 669 – 670, Berlin, 2010.

Kayser, H., Kollmeier, B., Anemüller, J., “Blind and Non-Blind Spatial Signal Proces- sing Using Head-Related Impulse Responses,” NAG/DAGA 2009 International Conference on Acoustics, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009.

Book chapters

Bach, J.-H., Kayser, H., Anemüller, J., “Audio classification and localization for incongruent event detection, in Detection and identification of rare audiovisual cues,” Weinshall, D., Anemüller, J., van Gool, L., Ed., pp. 39 – 46, Springer, Berlin, 2012.

Havlena, M., Heller, J., Kayser, H., Bach, J.-H., Anemüller, J., Pajdla, T., “Incongruence detection in audio-visual processing, in Detection and identification of rare audiovisual cues,” Daphna Weinshall, Anemüller, J. , Luc van Gool Ed., pp. 67 – 75, Springer, Berlin, 2012.

PhD thesis

“Auditory model-based machine localization”, 2014.
Dept. of Physics, University of Oldenburg
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier

Diploma thesis

“Blind source separation for head related transfer functions in real environments”, 2008.
Dept. of Physics, University of Oldenburg

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