




The office is found in the AStA-wing which is located in the university’s dining hall building – second right-hand floor, second door on the left (room M-1-154).

Post address:

Autonomes Referat für behinderte und chronisch kranke Studierende im AStA der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Uhlhornsweg 49 - 55
26111 Oldenburg

Digital Tour Through the University

Maybe you are at the university for the first time - or you would like to know how to navigate the buildings barrier-free. For this reason, we have created a digital university tour for you, in which we present the buildings in detail.

To see the digital university tours, click on one of the titles below. This will reveal a link to the respective video on our YouTube channel.

Unfortunately, the tour is currently available in German. We hope to make subtitles in English available soon.

Canteen and cafeteria

Building A12 (Student Service Centre)

The BeRef - Presentation and Accessible Tour

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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