Malte Weber


Room: W4 0-003

Tel.: 0441 798-3647


Malte Weber

M.Sc. Malte Weber

Research Interest

I am interested in food webs, associated with container habitats. The focus of my research lies in meso and macrofauna of arboreal soils in tree crotches of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus).

The main themes are:

- Description of natural communities as contribution to conservation

- Comparisons of communities between tree crotch and ground to estimate the value of tree crotch communites for a forest ecosystem

- Relations of (species) diversity and ressource ranges with container habitat size

- Processes like re-assembly after a manipulatory initiated perturbation

Curriculum vitae

since 10/2022 Doctoral student, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
2016 – 2022 M.Sc. Landscape Ecology, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
2011 – 2016 B.Sc. Environmental analysis/environmental monitoring, University of Applied Sciences Dresden


Weber, M.; Zotz, G. 2024. Detritus-filled tree crotches – an ignored tree-related microhabitat in Central Europe. European Journal of Entomology 121: 31-36.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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