Lars Bley

Lars Bley

Lars Bley is a teacher at Cäciliengymnasium in Oldenburg and head of chemistry at Studienseminar Oldenburg.

As part of the cooperation between the Studienseminar and the university, regular excursions take place between the two locations with the aim of dovetailing phase I and II of teacher training in a meaningful way. Students gain first-hand insights into the traineeship and can get an idea of everyday life and working methods on site. During the visits to the university, trainee teachers in turn gain practical insights into and experimental approaches to current research topics in chemistry didactics,

Short vita

  • 1991 - 1997: Studied to become a teacher (chemistry and physics) at the University of Oldenburg.
  • 2000: Completed second state examination at the Studienseminar Hannover. Subsequently teacher in Hanover and external employee of the chemistry didactics department in Oldenburg
  • 2008 - 2018: Head of chemistry at the Studienseminar Leer
  • Since 2018: Head of chemistry at the Oldenburg Studienseminar
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